Meet The Senior Editor Of HuffPost's New Arabic Edition

Queen Rania of Jordan is among the site's first contributors.

The Huffington Post launched HuffPost Arabi on Monday, our 14th international edition. Yaman Zeitouni, senior editor of HuffPost Arabi, spoke with HuffPost Live on Tuesday about the exciting launch and his plans for the Arabic language edition.

The newest edition, which will be based in Istanbul, will work with regional partners including Wadah Khanfar and Integral Media Strategies. Zeitouni told host Alyona Minkovski he's hiring correspondents throughout the Middle East and around the world to represent as many interests as possible.

Zeitouni added that the edition will continue The Huffington Post's emphasis on blogging, with the hope of reviving the practice in the Arab world. So far, Queen Rania of Jordan, Syrian screenwriter Hakam Al Baba and Saudi writer and TV personality Ali al-Dhafiri have contributed to HuffPost Arabi.

"We believe that the region is in need for people and opinion leaders to have a platform where they can exchange ideas and engage in a dialogue where they can build on things and shared ideas and beliefs, instead of the non-ending cyber clashes on social media," Zeitouni said.

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