Iceland, the Devil and the EU

Hallur Hallsson's book,, has many unexpected twists and turns. It is a fast-paced novel that accurately describes the world to come if we do not change things now. The hero of the novel is a simple fisherman from a small island off the south coast of Iceland. Yet, he is able to make a difference, as each of us can.
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I recently had the pleasure of meeting with Hallur Hallsson, historian, journalist, well-known TV personality and author of Vulture's Lair, a political thriller set in the future, at a supposed time when fiercely independent Iceland is forced into a dictatorial European Superstate, where freedoms are restricted and all citizens must acquiesce to the whims of Komizars who direct the every move of each individual.

Sounds like a world that doesn't exist? Well, it is already happening to a large degree. The European people do not elect the Commissioners who make the laws and rules in the European Union. The Komizars do not have a democratic mandate. It's extraordinary that given the lessons of history, Europe should establish a power base in Brussels where rule of democracy is cast out and an elite-class behind closed doors sets laws and rules for the whole continent. Is Europe yet again flirting with dictatorship?

Iceland, with only 320,000 people, is one of the smallest European countries. It is isolated in the North Atlantic between two great continents and powers. In fact, running right down the middle of the island is a tectonic boundary between Europe and North America. Icelanders literally have a foot on two continents, yet, belong to neither.

Iceland's history officially begins with its discovery by the Vikings in 874 AD. This began a "Golden History" of culture and trade around the world that lasted until 1262 AD, when the island nation came under the rule of Norway, later to be colonized by Denmark. After Slesvig-Holsten had broken away from Denmark and joined Bismarck's German revolution, Iceland gained home rule at the beginning of the 20th century.

The country has the first national parliament on Earth, the Althing, established in 930 AD. Mr. Hallsson emphasizes via his book's characters that people need to be free and independent to grow and have a happy life and culture.

The book closely parodies the events in American politics in the 1960s and '70s when forces behind the scenes created events that changed the course of U.S> politics and global affairs. As Europe wants to become big like America, it will get its Super State symptoms of conspiracy and power play. Small countries like Iceland are under siege at this day and age of Super-States of America, Europe, Russia, China, etc. Can the small nation in the high north hold on to its identity, culture and resources? Europe is again knocking on Iceland's door demanding control of its rich fishing grounds, less that forty years after the Icelanders hard fought battles during the Cod Wars.

Hallsson is mindful of the reasons of tyranny. What kind of mindset is the totalitarian mind? He talks about the "naysayers" who feed upon the Poverty Mind, restricting freedoms and opportunities of the people to choose. It's now little over one hundred years since Einstein came forth with his theory of energy and matter: E=mc². Hallsson claims that energy fields determine mindsets and go over borders. Is the Poverty Mind on the rise? Is the Nay mindset waiting its turn?

He states in the book, "The closed mind paves the way to serfdom, where Nay is Hell's estate and the Devil its landlord." If the government tells people how to live their lives, deny their freedoms and take power away, then madness will occur in the leaders who crave more and more control. Hallsson says that this was evident with how Hitler, Stalin and other bullying dictators came to power. It never ends well.

Nay has gun in hand
army to command
creates hell in land
of the Closed mind.
The devil is landlord.

Hallur says that the tragedy of Europe is the lack of true freedom. Since before Roman times there has been one totalitarian regime after another -- culminating in the 20th Century in the madness of Fascists, Nazis and Communists, two World Wars and the Cold War. It was the Poverty Mind taking on the Open Mind of democracy. In fact, one of Iceland's best known critics has said: "All in one; horror, thriller and political critique. A political novel and futuristic thriller. A modern Orwell 1984."

When governments are not accountable to the people, this creates a dangerous path. For Icelanders, with their Viking heritage, freedom and independence are paramount. They have a similar mindset to Americans. Both are descended from settlers and immigrants from far away. In fact, recent DNA tests show that many Icelanders have Native American genetics, indicating that the Vikings really did discover North America and brought back some of the natives to breed with the Vikings.

A few months ago, I was attending an event in Reykjavik (my second home) and met the President of Iceland, Olafur Grimsson. He said something that stuck with me. He stated that with all the seismic and volcanic activity in his nation, it is proof that the world is still being created. That was a powerful statement. We often think that we as human beings have discovered all that there is to find on our little planet. But, Iceland is proof that no matter how much we think we know, there is more to come.

Hallur Hallsson's book, Vulture's Lair, published by Bretwalda Books in the UK, in 2012, has many unexpected twists and turns. It is a fast-paced novel that accurately describes the world to come if we do not change things now. The hero of the novel is a simple fisherman from a small island off the south coast of Iceland. Yet, he is able to make a difference, as each of us can.

The message is clear. Every one of us has a right to speak out and determine our own path in life. Any government must be a reflection of this, if we are to survive as human and spiritual individuals.

Hallur told me that he is also planning a sequel. The book has a surprising ending and a cliffhanger. I want more -- I know that we will get that in the near future.

Go read this book. It will open your eyes to how things are, how things might be, and where we as a species and as a political force are headed.

I have been going back and forth to Iceland for the past seven years. I feel very at home there. The people are open, kind and respectful. They have a good life that should not be changed, except for the better. My family history is part of the history of Iceland. The Viking from Sweden known as the "Sword and the Leaf" is my ancestor, one of the many who helped to colonize Iceland.

Iceland is a land of mystery and intrigue. It is the country that gave refuge to Bobby Fischer because it was the right thing to do. Hallur was instrumental in providing a haven for the whale, Keiko, who was used and abused in American films. Iceland is a microcosm for the entire world.

The message here is -- be strong, be independent, be YOU, no matter what others want you to be... just like Iceland.

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