I'm a Homosexual and There Ain't Nothin' Wrong with That

Gay people have to be courageous to accept ourselves, be honest about our feelings, and live our lives. I struggle with that courage every day, but when I read the bull**** that people say, I just want to stand tall with my chest puffed out and say, "I'm a homosexual and there ain't nothin' wrong with that!"
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"They're teaching young children about bestiality now." Katie Donoghue, a Virginia woman who attended the March for Marriage rally organized by the National Organization for Marriage held in Washington, D.C. last week, is on record with that statement. When I read it I couldn't help but share it with my co-workers. You might say I did a dramatic reading of it. I gave it a comic twist with dramatic flair, but let me get serious for a moment. My subsequent thoughts on this statement led to outrage and anger. Where is anyone teaching bestiality?

I continued down my anger path a few days later with a HuffPost headline "GOP Lawmaker Pretty Sure That 'Sexual Orientation' Includes Incest, Bestiality, Pedophilia." My co-workers can attest to my outburst, which included pacing around the room, throwing my arms in the air, and all but shouting about the stupidity of these thoughts.

What the hell is up with the bestiality and pedophilia bullshit? Are people seriously associating my sexual orientation (and that of my gay brothers and sisters) with one of the aforementioned acts? Educate yourselves, folks. There's a lot of information out there on this thing called the Internet where you can learn about homosexuality. It's a simple concept. We're a group of people who happen to be attracted to someone of the same gender. A 2013 Gallup poll says that the national average of Americans who identify as gay is 3.5 percent. We exist. We laugh, we cry, we hurt, we love just like everybody else. I don't understand why it's so difficult for some people to wrap their heads around that, or why they feel so threatened by us. I mean, how difficult is it to accept that there are human beings in the world attracted to their same gender? It must be mind-boggling for some people because their lack of understanding and fear is made known by the vomit that spews forth from their mouths. They wear their hate like it's the latest trend in footwear and they're trying to stomp all over us.

Here's something that might be even more mind-blowing to some of you anti-gay, fear-mongering, haters: We, the gay community, are not attracted to trees or dogs or cats or goats or horses or cows or light poles or cars. We're attracted to people. In case there's any confusion in that statement let me clarify. We are attracted to other human beings. Weird, right? Gay people, just like straight people, are attracted to, develop loving relationships with, and yes, want to marry other people. Oh and lest I forget, we want to have sex. We want to have sex with someone of our same gender. We have longings and sexual desires just like straight people.

Have you noticed how often anti-gay people bring the gay sex act into their detestable statements? It seems to me that it always boils down to sex -- the way gay people have sex? Specifically gay men. I continue to be amazed at the number of people condemning homosexuality and equality with their thinly veiled disgust at the sex act. I'm gonna be honest here, the way a straight couple chooses to live their lives, enjoy sex, get married (or not) does not affect my life in the slightest. Yet, conservative, anti-gay Americans are so afraid of how gay people getting married is going to change the fabric of our country. And much of that fear is wrapped up in how they perceive our sex lives and that our sex doesn't lead to procreation. Jesus, we're merely 3.5 percent of the American population. I don't think there's any reason to worry about a lack of procreation, but I digress. Why then are so many so deeply concerned with the gay sex act? So gay men have anal sex. So what! Some straight couples also engage in anal sex. (Bueller? Bueller?) So gay men enjoy sucking dick. So what! Some straight couples also enjoy this act. (Crickets) Where's the vocal condemnation and disgust for the sodomites of the straight community? (Sarcasm laced with frustration.)

I often try to infuse my writing with humor, but the truth is I'm angry. I'm pissed off. I'm tired of the ignorance. And yes, I'm taking these outrageous statements personally. They're offensive. The number of people, including some of our country's leaders, who equate gay people with what appears to be any disgusting act they can come up with, is insulting. Why is it so hard to believe that two men or two women can have a loving, fulfilling relationship without it being turned into something repulsive and tawdry because, let's face it, you don't understand how we have sex or how that sex act is enjoyable to us.

I am a first-class citizen. I work and pay my taxes. My bills are paid on time. I take care of myself. I'm healthy. I know my HIV status. I work hard to be true to myself and honest with other people. I refuse to be treated as anything other than equal to everyone else. I am not second-class or second-rate. I'm tired of the bullshit and the ignorance. You know, the children that so many straight, conservative, Christian people in our country are trying to protect are probably smarter than those who are trying to protect them. Today's America has evolved beyond even the prejudices of my own childhood. Yes, obviously prejudice still exists, but this is a different world. (A May 2014 Gallup poll shows 55 percent of Americans support same-sex marriage.) And if I may be so bold, those aforementioned children could probably teach their would-be protectors a lot about acceptance and tolerance, provided the adults don't teach them to hate first.

We make no choice to be gay. I certainly didn't make that choice. The choice we do make is to have courage. Gay people are some of the most courageous people I've ever had the experience to know. We have to be courageous to accept ourselves, be honest about our feelings, and live our lives. I struggle with that courage every day, but when I read the bullshit that people say -- because of fear, because they feel they need to protect the children, because the Bible says so -- I just want to stand tall with my chest puffed out and say, "I'm a homosexual and there ain't nothin' wrong with that!"

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