Important Information about Anorexia Symptoms

Important Information about Anorexia Symptoms
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Those who suffer from Anorexia symptoms deserve a great deal of compassion, care and understanding. This eating disorder is quite well-known and it is classified as a psychological eating disorder.

Tragically, anorexia is sometimes fatal. Proper treatment is needed in order to help those with anorexia to overcome the symptoms of this dangerous eating disorder.

There are Three Main Anorexia Symptoms

Key symptoms include weight loss which isn't needed and which is extreme, as well as strong and pervasive fears of gaining weight which aren't logical. In addition, those who suffer from the disorder tend to have very distorted perceptions of their own images and bodies. This trio of symptoms tends to cause great psychological turmoil, as well as negatively impacting health.

This eating disorder afflicts both genders. It's about being fixated on thinness and developing strange eating patterns in order to be as thin as possible. It may strike at any age. Our "thin is in" culture probably deserves some blame for the fact that anorexia symptoms are so widespread, even among children. Images of slim bodies are everywhere in print media, film, magazines, Tv and online. People who are very thin tend to get rewarded by society and this unhealthy attitude towards body image does affect many people. It may be the first domino to fall in terms of setting anorexia into motion.

These days, there is less stigma in terms of admitting to anorexia symptoms and this is positive. It's important that the disorder be recognized, understood and demystified.

Anorexia is also known as Anorexia Nervosa and is it typified by the starving of oneself and by a very weak appetite.

In terms of other Anorexia symptoms, it's important to understand that there are two categories of anorexia.

There Are Two Forms of Anorexia

One form of this eating disorder is the binge/purge form. With the binge/purge type of Anorexia Nervosa, the person who has the disorder will self-induce vomiting in order to get rid of food which is consumed during binges. A person with this type of eating disorder may abuse laxatives rather than self-inducing vomiting, or use both strategies in order to get rid of food right after it is consumed. It's also possible that the person will exercise to an excessive degree after overeating (binging).

One, two or three of these methods will be utilized in order to ensure that food which is consumed does not contribute to weight gain.

Naturally, this is very unhealthy, as the body is continually robbed of the nutrients that it needs, as well as the energy (calories) that is required in order to function effectively. As well, vomiting is not good for the body and laxatives may trigger long-term side effects. Too-aggressive exercise will also put strain on a body that is already malnourished and underweight.

The other form of anorexia nervosa is Restrictive. With Restrictive Anorexia Nervosa, the person will drastically limit the amount of food which is consumed. In general, the person will eat way less per day than the proper caloric requirement for each day. This is a slow and sad form of self-starvation.

Restrictive anorexia often leads to obsession with food and with restricting its consumption. For example, many fashion models have dealt with this issue and they report spending hours each day thinking about what they'll allow themselves to eat, when they may eat it and what they won't eat. It's a vicious cycle which has affected many women, including model, Carre Otis. Otis wrote that recovering from anorexia was more challenging than overcoming her addiction to heroin.

How is Anorexia Treated?

Anorexia symptoms are a sign of trouble. Early treatment and intervention are the best survival strategies. However, it is never too late to get help.

This disorder always needs treatment. Sometimes, people with anorexia don't want help. Often, their loved ones will strongly encourage them to get the help that they need. At other times, the person with anorexia will be strong enough to reach out for assistance and this is very courageous.

Typically, treatment for this condition and anorexia symptoms is based on combination therapy, which includes weight gain under medical supervision and psychological therapy. As we mentioned previously, early treatment is most effective, as it's more difficult to help someone when he or she has already developed serious complications which are related to his or her drastic weight loss.

If you're suffering from anorexia symptoms or know someone who is, please be aware that help is out there. If you don't have proper medical insurance or money for psychotherapy, there should be community resources available. Seeking out assistance within the community will be the best way to start overcoming this disorder.

Now that you know some important information about Anorexia symptoms, you'll have a deeper understanding of this psychological eating disorder. Reasons for developing the disorder vary. However, the symptoms are the same, no matter why it happens in the first place.

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