In the Backstory to Seinfeld, When Exactly Did Jerry and Elaine Break Up?

In the Backstory to Seinfeld, When Exactly Did Jerry and Elaine Break Up?
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By San Kim, ShowMe.Com Founder

Although a specific date is never revealed, it couldn't have been very long before the show started:

  • Jerry tells his parents for the first time about the breakup in "The Stakeout," (Season 1, Episode 2) - the same episode in which the character of Elaine is introduced.* Jerry and his parents are close, and they talk fairly often.
  • In the same episode, Elaine mentions that she's never seen him hit on someone else before. They obviously spend a lot of time together, and Jerry dates a lot of girls throughout the show, so it would be unlikely that too much time would have passed before Elaine saw Jerry chatting up another gal.
From this, I'd guess
at most a few weeks
before the show started.

*There was no Elaine character in the pilot; she was introduced after the show was picked up by NBC. Apparently "Add a girl" was the only note the network gave the creators.

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