In the Year 2525 – Physics-ology

In the Year 2525 – Physics-ology
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There is a modality so foreign to human beings that it is rarely written about or discussed and yet it is the definitive technology of the future. It does not need lithium batteries, it does not require remote control, you do not have to eat, drink or take it in pill form and it does not have a caloric value. It is not the stuff of fantasy but is rooted in science.

The future will be created with this technology and every new invention that furthers the progress of humanity will be born from it. It will not be contained, owned or controlled by greed mongers, politicians or burglars and it is not a commodity which will be traded for profit. There will be a host of studies on those who wield it with expertise and the greatest minds in the world will not be able to contain its rapid growth nor will they be able to control it. Eventually science will validate its authenticity and accuracy. This remarkable thing is not a toy or something to take lightly, on the contrary. It is not a gimmick and it cannot be activated by those who live the illusion of power, money, greed, ego and control.

It is a way of life and one must commit completely and fully to living in a way that most will scoff at for lack of understanding. Sages throughout time have utilized it successfully but it does require honing several other skills first; mindfulness, meditation, taking personal responsibility, selflessness, ridding yourself of ego and the lower emotions which limit you or would have you bend the laws of intention, these are just a few of the elements which must be employed in order to access this timeless tool. What hastens and ignites this phenomenon is thought, intention and imagination.

What I speak of is known by many names; mind over matter, transcending human frailty, Christ consciousness, divine mind, cosmic consciousness, the enlightened mind, living without limitation or willpower. In essence it is simply transcending the laws of the physical and material worlds and as you delve deeper into quantum mechanics, you understand the relationship between consciousness and manifestation.

Atoms have no physical structure thus we have no physical structure. Atoms are not made out of tangible matter but are made of invisible energy. Everything in the universe is energy. Like a fingerprint is unique to a physical body this vortex of spinning and vibrating energy comes complete with its own unique energy signature. In essence, our consciousness, which is partially comprised of our beliefs, perceptions and attitudes, create the world you experience every day. The energy of love without an agenda, transfers light which then becomes matter and produces frequency and subsequently becomes wave. We can convert energy into matter and matter into energy but without the element of love, science is missing the complete formula. Now of course scientists do not factor in what they perceive is a human emotion; however love is energy and how it is wielded, even in thought, produces a wave of energy which emanates from your physical body. You’ve heard “change your thoughts to change your life,” there has never been a truer statement.

Consciousness has another key ingredient and that is the memory of every impactive event ever lived throughout every lifetime. Does that mean on a conscious or even subatomic level you remember everything you have ever done in every lifetime? Yes and no. The more aware and awake you are spiritually, the more aware you become of memories from the roles you have lived and the events which shaped your beliefs, attitudes, perceptions and personality. All of it factors into the reality you are creating today. If you do not meditate or practice some form or pro-active mindfulness, you are unaware of some of the very elements which bind you in limitation today. Past or present life fears, judgements and beliefs have to be addressed and healed in order to move beyond the physical realm or else they continue to draw you backwards.

Has there been anyone in the history of mankind who has ever reached and lived this level of consciousness? Yes there has been. Jesus, Buddha, Yogananda, Sai Baba and many unknown or unnamed students of quantum physics have lived it in part, parcel or fully. It is apparent that these tools would be so effective in a multitude of areas, offering solutions that are other-worldly, so why haven’t more employed this sage wisdom?

The reasons are obvious: discipline or a lack of it; implementing knowing or certainty, which supersedes confidence and ego; a lack of focus, which seems to be a modern day anomaly, compounded by technology, social media and sound bites, which have shortened attention span. Additionally, 21st century humankind has become accustomed to “instant gratification” and in some cases laziness is the preferred path over challenging the mind and extending beyond three dimensional realities. Often, people are more concerned about looking like a fool or being perceived as crazy, more than they are with pioneering new ways of existing and coexisting peacefully.

Sustaining a limitless consciousness and implementing this powerful wisdom, is initially very challenging but like anything, with practice, it becomes first nature. With so much being destroyed by governments, politics and greed mongers, now more than ever is the time to raise the bar, use your mind, awaken your spiritual gifts, fend for yourself and overcome all of it.

Ariaa is a Spiritual Life Strategist and best selling author.

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