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They say the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again with the same unintended results. If that is true then I must conclude that our country is insane. Multi-massacre shootings have been going on in this country for as long as I can remember.

Columbine shook me to the core in 1999. We blamed video games, bullying, parenting, schools, and President Clinton even implicated Rush Limbaugh. Apparently, we never got to the root of the problem. And maybe we never will. Insanity.

We call the shooter insane, evil, hateful, a lost soul, and a terrorist. Yes, that may be all true. But what can we do about it? Some say guns don’t kill people, people do. Yes, but guns make it easier to kill more and in a shorter period of time. Insanity.

So even if we agree these evil killers are insane, what have we done to stop them from inflicting their madness on our citizens ? President Reagan allowed the State Hospitals to languish and as far as I know there has not been any progress made to bring back mental health facilities. Insanity.

So why not concentrate on making it harder to kill so many so quickly? Do we really need semi-automatic weapons to hunt? Why are we allowing insane people to buy guns? Why are we letting terrorists on watch lists to purchase firearms? Why can’t we pass legislation for stricter background checks when 90% of the public wants that? Insanity.

Why is an NRA endorsement more important to congress than saving lives? Insanity.

How can Bill O’Reilly think that losing 59 innocent Americans at an outdoor country music concert is “the price of freedom”? What about our freedom as Americans to be able to go to malls, places of worship, concerts, movie theaters, outdoor restaurants, political rallies, and just walk down the street without fear of getting shot? Why is the freedom to own a semi-automatic rifle more important than our right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness? Insanity.

We need all the sane people in our nation to come together and demand common sense sanity on gun safety and reform and background checks. I imagine we are the majority. If not, this country really is insane and we can expect more of the same. Insanity.

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