International Gay Rights Foes: If You Can't Beat Them, Beat Them Up

International Gay Rights Foes: If You Can't Beat Them, Beat Them Up
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By now it should be evident that the LGBT movement always wins when it is allowed to make its case. Sure, progress comes in fits and starts, and it might take decades to achieve equality, but the outcome is all but certain. When gay people come out to tell their moving stories, it changes hearts and minds, and modifications in the law eventually follow. The LGBT movement has the dual advantage of superior logic, and the ability to evoke powerful emotions that transform opponents into allies.

On the other hand, anti-gay forces offer nothing but fear and lies. Our foes feed on ignorance, while they understand that education is the antidote, thus time is never on their side. There is a rapid shelf life on demonizing -- which usually ends when people realize that the alleged demon is their own son, daughter, friend or neighbor. Their weak case crumbles once people see that LGBT people aren't threatening.

Left unimpeded, LGBT equality would win the day in virtually every corner of the planet within the next few decades, including many bastions of social conservatism. This is precisely why many anti-gay activists have seemingly embarked on their new international strategy: "If you can't beat them, beat them up." They acutely understand that only violence prevents victory.

This attack on human rights and basic freedom is evident in Nigeria, where President Goodluck Jonathan just signed the Same Sex Marriage Prohibition Act, which is nothing short of an official act of government-sponsored terrorism. News reports claim that purges are already being carried out in northern Nigeria. According to the law:

Any person who registers, operates or participates in gay clubs, societies and organization, or directly or indirectly makes public show of same sex amorous relationship in Nigeria commits an offense and is liable on conviction to a term of 10 years imprisonment. A person or group of persons who administers, witnesses, abets or aids the solemnization of a same sex marriage or civil union, or supports the registration, operation and sustenance of gay clubs, societies, organizations, processions or meetings in Nigeria commits an offense and is liable on conviction to a term of 10 years imprisonment.

Clearly, the crux of this monstrosity is an attack on freedom of speech and freedom of association. This law is dangerous for every citizen in Nigeria, because if the government can strip the most basic rights away from a benign minority, no one is truly secure or free from government oppression.

Furthermore, the law is useless, and if the president thinks he did anything to curtail homosexuality in Nigeria, all I can say is "Good luck, Jonathan." What the law does is severely tarnish Nigeria's image abroad. Internally, the more resourceful LGBT people will emigrate, taking their talents to more tolerant nations, while the remaining homosexuals will live miserable, closeted existences. Many will marry opposite sex partners they are not sexually attracted to -- exponentially increasing the misery in Nigerian society. Others will commit suicide or live like outlaws. With this repressive law, everybody loses and nobody wins -- with freedom and justice taking huge hits in this notoriously corrupt nation.

"I am convinced that such sexual contacts should be completely excluded from the life of our society," Vsevolod Chaplin, who heads the church's department on engagement with society, said in an interview with the Interfax news agency. "If we manage to do this through moral pressure, all the better. But if we need to revert to assistance from the law, then let us ask the people if they are ready for this."

First, no majority is entitled to tell fellow human beings that they must live sexless and loveless lives in order to survive. This notion is a gross invasion of privacy and a violation of human rights that no civilized nation would impose on any of its citizens. Second, the idea of a fair vote is farcical, considering that Russia has a totalitarian "propaganda" law that prohibits LGBT people from organizing or speaking in favor of equality. Chaplin is calling for a campaign where LGBT people are prohibited from campaigning, and cynically calling it a democratic vote.

Let's call this perverse idea what it is: Fascism disguised as democratic freedom. Thus, it should come as no surprise that the referendum was first cooked up by actor and defrocked priest Ivan Okhlobystin, who had previously called for burning all gay people "alive in ovens," (it is also notable that homophobia in Russia is often enforced by neo-Nazi skinheads).

One thing that stands out in the countries persecuting LGBT people is the wanton cruelty. These are unconscionable laws designed to make the sadistic appear saintly and the malicious look moral. They are also symptoms of pathological societies that are going backwards and desperately trying to justify their failures by finding scapegoats for their dysfunction.

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