It's a New Year, Swallow Your Fear

It's a new year! And, while we engage in the ritual of making resolutions to strengthen us to be greater individuals purposed to create a greater community, it is important we realize that the "new self" we long to become deserves the freedom of fearless living.
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It's a new year! And, while we engage in the ritual of making resolutions to strengthen us to be greater individuals purposed to create a greater community, it is important we realize that the "new self" we long to become deserves the freedom of fearless living.

Although filled with trials, tribulations, and redirection, I can honestly say last year was a wonderful year. I embarked on a journey that I never would have imagined possible. I realized taking my writing to the next level meant I need to develop and execute concepts I envisioned at least seven years ago. I finally birthed The Living Room Talk Show .

What made this possible? What was the source to allow my dreams to materialize? In reflection, the answer was simple. I swallowed every aspect of fear and dispelled negative energy that hindered my vision from coming into fruition.

Fear has the potential to choke, smother, and ultimately kills our dreams. In order to transition into new phases of our personal and professional development we must allow ourselves to transform in spite of the fear. The openness to transition and transformation will never occur if we allow ourselves to live in fear. This can result in a world of unrealized dreams and unexplored possibilities which will limit opportunity.

It is essential to understand fear can be conquered with openness. Embrace an openness to new opportunity, new perspectives, and new environments. Along the way you will learn new lessons that will strengthen you to new horizons. Allow newness to bring self-exposure while you discover a greater level of purpose in the world to seek and gain self-fulfillment.

Dispel negative energy. Last year I learned a hard, but, valuable lesson. I learned and accepted that no matter how much you care about someone or something, if, it exudes negative energy -- thoughts, attitudes, aura -- LET IT GO! I had to shut the door on other people's opinions especially if those opinions were voiced with an interest that was not for my gain. I also had to tell the "voice" in my head to "shut up, stop talking!" I realized that I had negative energy around me and triggered my own negative thoughts that were a hindrance to my ultimate success. Simply put, positivity breeds positively!!

So I say all this to say, let 2015 be your year, the year where you swallow fear and face each day knowing you can accomplish anything. Dispel negative energy! Say "bye", and mean it. Do not allow anyone, and, particularly yourself impede your ability to transition and transform into newness. Embrace each day with openness. Challenges are meant to come our way. However, allow yourself to embrace the challenges. Swallow your fear to achieve your dreams!

"To escape fear, you have to go through it, not around."
― Richie Norton, Resumes Are Dead and What to Do About It

"When you're scared, you stay as you are!"
― Stephen Richards

"Believing in negative thoughts is the single greatest obstruction to success."
― Charles F. Glassman, Brain Drain The Breakthrough That Will Change Your Life

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