It's Never Too Late To Start Your New Year's Resolution!

It's Never Too Late To Start Your New Year's Resolution!
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Every year on New Year's day we make new resolutions regarding our career, life and health. But come end of January and most of our resolutions start to waver. According to a research people who started working in January drop off by the first week of February. Lack of motivation, lack of time or just losing interest are some of the reasons we find it difficult to stick to our resolutions. But what if our resolutions were not dependant on a particular day of the year? What if our resolutions were so easy to follow that there was no need to look for outside motivation? What if our resolutions didn't come with a deadline and were solely based on staying healthy for life?

This year instead of a New Year resolution, I decided to make a list of small lifestyle changes that I would like to incorporate in my life for the rest of my remaining years on this planet. Making small changes in our daily lifestyle is much easier and attainable than making resolutions that are difficult to stick with. And there is absolutely no reason to wait until New Years' to start a new day, new life and a new resolution lifetime list.

Resolutions for life!

Resolutions for life!

Here is what I resolve to do for life!

I resolve to EAT:

A well balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, fiber, whole grains, vitamins, folate and calcium.l

A diet low in saturated fats and salt.

Eat more proteins and reduce simple carbohydrates, fats and starch in diet.

Eat organic and local produce.

Cut down on all processed, packaged or boxed food.

Limit my consumption of sugar.

Control my portion size.

Take my multivitamins, Vitamin D and Omega 3s everyday (after approval from my doctor).

I resolve to EXERCISE:


Aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise five days a week, or 1 hour and 15 minutes of high-intensity aerobic exercise per week.

Incorporate strength training as a part of my exercise regime.

Stretch before and after workout to avoid muscle tear.

Try a pedometer and aim for 10,000 steps a day.

Have an exercise buddy to make working out more fun.

I resolve to exercise my MIND:

Turn of the TV and limit mindless munching that comes with it.

Meditate regularly.

Join a book club to keep my brain waves working.

Read to my son every night.

Get at least 7- 8 hours of sleep every night.

Drink at least 8-10 cups (about 2 litres) of water daily.

I resolve to live a more holistic lifestyle:

Reduce the use of plastic bags, will always carry my own reusable grocery shopping bags.

Reduce the use of chemicals in my house. I resolve to use close to nature or even better homemade detergents, scrubs and soaps.

Try alternative treatments like massage and acupuncture for back pain, neck strain etc. before reaching out for anti inflammatory or pain medications.

I resolve to take personal responsibility of my health and the health of my family members.

Most importantly I resolve to living rather than planning. Living each moment to the fullest and sharing this joy called life with my loved ones.

I encourage you to come up with your own lifelong resolutions list and stick to your refrigerator for reminder because healthy living is not a matter of just one day or year but of lifetime.

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