It's Not About Politics. It's About Sanity.

It's Not About Politics. It's About Sanity.
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Who among us is not tired of the toddler in chief? I mean, even if you voted for him, in which case you probably don’t read this blog anyway, how can you tolerate his childish bullying?

The fact that his wife is trying to make advocating against bullying her ‘First Lady Platform’ is hilarious, to me. It reminds me of a time when our youngest was getting to an age when sucking your thumb was frowned upon by his peers. Someone would say, “Only babies suck their thumbs.” To which he would respond, “Yeah, exthept for me,” with his thumb firmly in his mouth.

I feel sorry for their son. Do you think drumpf spends any time with this child? Did he spend time with his other children as they were growing up? Maybe the first three, but clearly his youngest daughter left with her mom until he needed her as a prop during his campaign.

I hear Mark Cuban is contemplating a run against drumpf if drumpf makes it to the next election without being impeached. Frankly, that would simply be exchanging one non-politician for another, in my opinion.

If nothing else I hope those who said they voted for drumpf to “shake things up” have learned a thing or two about qualifications for the job. If you don’t know how to sing but decide to try out for The Voice, don’t expect the judges to say, “Why not? Let’s shake things up!”

I also hope those who simply felt, “Hey, I’ve voted Republican my whole life, that’s what I do,” are sleeping well now. God knows, I’m not. And, why does anyone think their first vote determined their party of choice forever? It makes no sense to me. I’ve voted Republican, Democrat, and Independent. I vote for the person, not the party.

The mainstream parties have changed in many ways over the years. Why would you think if you voted Republican your first time around it had to be your party forever?

We do not need another TV personality or sports honcho pretending to know how to run our country. I know Cuban is a Democrat but, that doesn’t make him any more qualified than the game show host we have now.

Which brings me to something that’s really bothering me. Why are the moderate Republicans in Congress, who can and have been calling drumpf out for the phony he is, choosing not to run in the next election? I’m looking at you, Mr. Corker and Mr. Flake. I just read Mr. Flake’s speech, and feel even more strongly that we need you to stay. To speak truth to power and stop the political madness.

If you don’t, just raise a white flag and admit you would rather turn our country over to the ignorant and spineless sheep than waste your energy fighting the toddler in the White House. I find this completely unacceptable. Stay and continue to call him out and those in Congress who pretend they don’t care.

It’s not about political parties. It’s about sanity and the safety of our democracy.

Donald Trump has no clue how government works. He is an embarrassment to our country every day. Every time he hangs another childish nickname on anyone who disagrees with him, or worse has nuclear weapons pointed at us, he is denigrating our nation.

If you voted for him, are you comfortable with that behavior?

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