It's time for each of us to get comfortable getting uncomfortable

It's time for each of us to get comfortable getting uncomfortable
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Bry Ulrick on

People are attracted to being around those who are perceived as being worldly renowned or well-known. Someone put an "approved" stamp on them. Before they do anything, we believe they have power over us and we celebrate them for their ability to be at the top of the ladder of their industry, whether it is an icon of sports, business, or entertainment.

Because it is not about what they have to say, but what is called as the people who have worldly power. They are known and we all want to say we know them, we heard them talk, we saw them perform, we experienced them at live events, we rubbed shoulders with our societal Gods. But why do we put anyone on a pedestal?

They will always disappoint us when and if we get close to them, as we will discover they are human just like us. Then, why do we do have such a celebrity culture in every realm of our society from business to entertainment to sports? Why is there such a rush to be the best? Why does it matter?

Why can't we just raise our children to have healthy competition with themselves, and have a thirst to learn and grow in their own beautiful way?

Our structures today are based on a notion of win-lose. For someone to win, someone must lose. For someone to lose, someone must win. We have greater division and separation because these structures and beliefs are failing us. They are ingrained in predictability, the myth of safety and comfort, and deep seated fear.

Imagine for a moment that you could be comfortable with what is not known, what is not predictable, what sparks your curiosity, would these structures allow you to spark and ignite? Where do your fears lie? What are you scared of? IF you have irrational fear in your life, like that you are not good enough or that you don't have enough, where does it come from? And most importantly, what purpose does it serve, if any?

We can continue to consume someone else's models, or we can pioneer new and timeless paths? It is all here to be discovered. We live in a world of opportunity. It is time to build new structures that are win-win for each of us, and our collective. There is enough for everyone. Imagine if it was more equally distributed? Imagine if more people had access to new and timeless thinking that we are here to create and thrive? What would be possible now? How would you run your business or life as a conscious leader?

Where are today's pioneers? Are you one of them? What are you creating?

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