Justin Bieber vs. Keyboard Cat: Tweet Fight! (INFOGRAPHIC)

Justin Bieber vs. Keyboard Cat: Tweet Fight!

We know what you're thinking, "Urlesque, our favorite musicians, Justin Bieber and Keyboard Cat are just so similiar, it's almost like they're the same person." Well, we agree. Sometimes it's difficult to tell them apart.

Both celebrities have the web to thank, even if just partly, for their success. Both have strong relationships with their cute-as-a-button fans. Both have deep ties to their community. If only there was some way to break down the differences in these international men of mystery.

@EvanPearce, I'm seeing something along the lines of "Never Say Never", but with a more lovable star! Love, Keyboard Cat!less than a minute ago via web Favorite Retweet Reply


In an effort to put an end to this madness, we went to the world's foremost research tool used by all the great scientists, Twitter, and looked at a bunch of tweets from both the adorable teen icon and infamous feline. What did we find? Besides that throbbing need to entertain the masses and create music, both are apt to online gaming and share a deep love of Maroon 5 frontman Adam Levine.

Don't believe us? This chart from visual.ly should do the trick.

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