Kanye West's Tweets Matched With <em>New Yorker</em> Cartoons (PICTURES)

Kanye West's Tweets Matched WithCartoons (PICTURES)

Ever since Kanye West joined Twitter last week, we've been hanging on his every tweet. His amazement at how the social networking site works as well as the hilarious little bits of advice he gives have made his Twitter stream a constantly updating log of Kanye-isms. Everyone has been getting in on the fun, from tweeting what they think he'll say next using the hashtag #PredictingKanyeTweets, to the one we discovered this morning: #KanyeNewYorkerTweets, where users pair actual New Yorker cartoons with Kanye tweets as captions. We've compiled our favorite so far from several TwitPic users below. You'll be amazed how well some of the drawings go with Kanye's tweets.

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