Larry The Cable Guy On Being Rich And Blue Collar: Mo' Money, Mo' Problems

Can You Really Be Blue Collar And A Millionaire?

Dan "Larry The Cable Guy" Whitney appeared on HuffPost Live this week to answer a puzzling question about his career: how does being wealthy inspire blue collar comedy?

Watch the clip above to hear Larry's thoughts on how his rich lifestyle affects his material, a topic you might remember from his notorious feud with David Cross. It started back in 2005, when Cross said this about The Cable Guy in an interview with Rolling Stone:

"He’s good at what he does. It’s a lot of anti-gay, racist humor -- which people like in America -- all couched in ‘I’m telling it like it is.’ He’s in the right place at the right time for that gee-shucks, proud-to-be-a-redneck, I’m-just-a-straight-shooter-multimillionaire-in-cutoff-flannel, selling-ring tones-act."

Larry later called out Cross in his 2006 book, “GIT-R-DONE," in which he lamented "Humorless comedians" who "act like they’re better than everyone else" and speak above their audiences. Cross responded by posting "An Open Letter To Larry The Cable Guy" online and later reprinting it in his first book, "I Drink For A Reason." You can listen to Cross read the audiobook track below:

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