Learn to dance in the face of devastation

Learn to dance in the face of devastation
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We live in a world of constant change. Natural disasters are an intense reminder of the unpredictability of our environment. A catastrophe that affected and touched me very closely was the 2010 earthquake in Chile. The lives of many of my friends and students were affected by it.

When we face a catastrophe, a deep sense of vulnerability leaves us exposed and confused. Struck by the horror of the images appearing in the media, we are reminded again and again of how transient everything in life is, and the futility of material gain, which provides only an illusion of security that can disappear at any time . It reminds us that we cannot even control what is fundamental in our lives: the ground beneath our feet. The feeling of fragility is extreme.

In these situations where many suffer devastation, we often hear stories about the flowering of countless anonymous heroes, who, driven by love, give incessantly to the point of risking their own safety. They are the heroes who, beyond gender, class or creed, go out into the streets to give. Mobilized by the force of love, they simply share, comforting and embracing the wounded, those who are in panic, and the afflicted.

In moments like these the only real thing is the love that unites us in an action without limits, our disputes and conflicts forgotten by a sacred moment. They are moments in which we are simply united in love. Through these altruistic actions we can see how the consciousness of humanity is increasing, in response to these extreme situations. And we can see how love prevails over pain and fear.

Although we cannot understand and although we are afraid, we can find comfort in remembering that within all of us is an immutable place of peace and love that will never go away. When the external becomes very unstable, if our attention is directed inwards, we can recognize that our differences do not matter, that within each one of us vibrates a YES to life. Even if we feel lost, we can put our attention in our heart, feel it beat, feel its warmth. You can discover that the love consciousness inside is inexhaustible, without limits, and the more you give, the more you have to share.

It is time to transform ourselves through the actions of love. Then we will realize that everything that happens is for our evolution. Let us learn to dance in the face of devastation, in the midst of difficulties, in the face of what life brings us. Let us learn to see through the illusion of control, to realize that life, in reality, has no guarantees and to embrace the unpredictable nature of existence, instead of trying in vain to control the indomitable power of the world.

Isha Judd is an Australian humanitarian spiritual teacher based in Latin America, author of “Love Has Wings” and “Why Walk When You Can Fly?”. Watch “Why Walk When You Can Fly?” on itunes. Her website is www.ishajudd.com. Watch more movies and inspiring videos at isha.tv

For more information on events with Isha Judd visit: Events with Isha Judd

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