Life sucks (at times)

Life sucks (at times)
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Becca Tapert

Life sucks at times. Bad things happen to all of us at different times in our lives. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not minimizing the trials you are going through. But, just because bad things happen to us, doesn’t mean we have to let it define us and we don’t have to live “in it”. We have a choice to make: let bad things define us as victims or rise above and let it refine us! I don't know about you, but I believe we must rise above, take what we learned, and move forward as a victor not a victim.

We all have the power to be victorious! Do you believe that? Are you willing to face and slay the enemy in your life that is keeping you from moving forward? Your enemy could be a person, an addiction, a disease, or any other stronghold that has a grip on you and stops you from moving forward. Some bad things can leave us feeling paralyzed and unable to break free.

We are not called to sit in paralysis and be victims. We are called to fight with everything we have and never quit until victory is won. First we need to face our “enemy” head on and equip ourselves with the tools needed to dig our way out. Maybe your enemy is a financial struggle. That does suck! But what tools do you have? Ask I have a job? Does it pay enough? Can I get a (new) job? What skills or gifting do I have? What experience/education do I have? We were never promised an easy life. We may have to step out of our comfort zone and do something we don’t want to do such as get a new job, or a second job, or a third job. A temporary solution could help get you back on your feet and in a more comfortable situation. I can tell you that staying at home crying about it or posting your woes on social media, will not change the situation.

This may seem like common sense advice - but unfortunately we are all guilty of not taking advice and consequently not moving past a bump in the road. Really, it is just a bump in the road and your road is long and stretches far beyond this place you may feel stuck in. Here are some ways that can empower you to conquer the enemy:

  1. Create a mantra that empowers you and propels you to move. For example, if you are in financial woes, you may choose…”I am not a victim of my situation. I will be blessed with more than enough to take back my finances and get out of debt.” Write your mantra down and make copies of it, and then post it around your home, in your car, and places that you will see it regularly. Let this become a reality in your life.
  2. Seek an accountability partner. Find a friend or family member that has conquered a similar enemy. Ask them to hold you accountable for taking steps to move forward and becoming victorious over your enemy.
  3. Pray. And then pray some more. Ask God to give you the needed courage and strength to do whatever it takes to defeat your enemy.
  4. Seek counseling. There are some awesome counselors out there that can help you reach your goals.

These are just a few ideas to get you started towards healing. You may consider one or all of these ways to work through your situation. There are many far better things ahead for you in this life. Don’t let a bump in the road derail you and get you off the path of true happiness. We are not alone. If you don’t believe that, just turn on the news and see all the devastation around our world. There is a lot of suffering in this world, and when we accept that we will not live “in” the suffering, we can rise above it and move forward in victory. One step at a time. One victorious step at a time.

Shannon M. Carducci

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