Love Amid the Tragedy of Hate

Love Amid the Tragedy of Hate
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In the wake of the mass shooting in Orlando over the weekend, I began thinking about how the tragedy of hate has taken center stage yet again. There is a lot of finger-pointing at gun policies and belief systems going on without the true culprit being identified in this scheme; Hate.

Hate will try to smother you, discredit you, quiet you and destroy you. It is quite possibly the most dangerous and powerful action in this world besides one other more powerful action; Love.

Today the world feels evil. We must stand against this evil that seeks to destroy not just the lives of those already affected, but the lives of those looking to step in and face hate in the name of love.

As I began reading the responses to the Orlando mass shooting from those on my social media networks I experienced a mixture of both sadness and admiration for the sentiments many shared. I have intentionally surrounded myself on social media with mostly those who are like-minded in grace and love toward others, so almost all the responses regarding the tragedy were filled with touching amounts of care and kindness toward the victims and their families.

But there was a caveat that several of my friends who identify as Christ-following believers have made in their statements against the violent tragedy in Orlando including, "I may not agree with their lifestyle, but I am praying for the victims." Why the caveat? Why the need to make a distinction of your belief of another's lifestyle choice?

Here's the simple answer: Fear.

When you make a caveat to your prayer or well wishes it's no longer about the victims, it's about you and your fear of being cast out. Stop fearing if you love another person and stand against hate and violence against them you will be outcast from a group of people.

Choosing to love in the face of the danger of being hated by others is revolutionary. It's what Jesus did during his time here on earth. I mean honestly, if your heart isn't breaking as this tragedy unfolds, you may need to check your pulse.

The Lord is close to the brokenhearted
and saves the crushed in spirit. - Psalm 34:18

Our hearts break because fifty people died.

It does not matter if it was fifty tall people or fifty short people, fifty fat people or fifty thin people, fifty gay people or fifty straight people, fifty funny people or fifty serious people.

There is no need for a qualifier or caveat to express love to someone.

Church, it is time to stop being so lame. It's time to have the courage to love others without pretense or the need to label. It's time to actually walk the walk instead of just talking the talk. We preach "perfect love casts out fear" -- now let's live it -- without the caveats or qualifiers.

Let's walk hand-in-hand with one another in confidence and bravely speak out against this hateful violence. Let's speak bravely, calmly, and with courage, not condemnation. Let's put all political, religious, and racial agendas aside to hold space for those who are grieving.

Church, let's really let's love one another and cast out all fear from how we express ourselves in these types of circumstances. Let's live the life we preach about. Let's kick hate off the stage and to the curb, allowing the love of Christ to overflow.

Orlando, we love you -- Every one of you.

Five Ways You Can Love Those Affected by the Orlando Tragedy

Don't Say Nothing. A community has been hurt. Don't be afraid to talk about it with those you know affected by the tragedy. Let them know you are praying for them, thinking about them, and love them.

Well known, best-selling author, Jen Hatmaker, said it best in her recent Facebook Post. "It is not only terrorism against the victims but psychological terrorism against their people group. It shakes down your sense of security and safety, because truly, it could have been you, your brother, your best friend, your dad. It is you, your brother, your best friend, your dad. What hurts one, hurts all."

Attend Vigils and Prayer Services for Victims. There are vigils popping up all over the country to pray for the victims and their families. Going to a vigil requires nothing except your presence to show solidarity with those who have been hurt.

This is a great way to love your local community. You never know how God will use you during those moments of quiet reflection. Don't miss out on any opportunities he may have for you to love one of your own local community members.

Pray. So often we say, "I will pray for you," but we forget or feel they are actionless words. This is so far from the truth. There are so many things to pray for in this situation. Pray for the victim's families and friends. Pray for the injured to recover. Pray for the city of Orlando. Pray for the churches in the area to be a safe place of refuge. Pray for professing believers to extend love with words of compassion and care rather than judgment and hate.

Donate Blood or Money. If you live in the Orlando area blood donations will still be needed and accepted over the next few days. There are rules for donating blood so please be sure to make yourself aware of them before you attempt to donate.

There are a few charities you can donate to help assist the families of the victims with funeral and medical costs. Equality Florida has set up a GoFundMe Account you can donate to now.

Lord, unite us in grief to stand together against terror. Join us together as people who long for your mercy, grace, comfort and love. Draw us close to you and to each other.

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