Manifesto #4 / Preamble to a Cultural Renaissance

Manifesto #4 / Preamble to a Cultural Renaissance
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We the peep-hole of the United Snakes of "Hey, Didn't that Country Used to be America?" do hereby and wherefore ask "Why?" We think so, came the reply. But, we also think that shining city on the hill died of national causes. Internal strife, and the like. A lot of Liking, and not enough Loving, some say.

It appears that we've got to get back to the business and pleasure of forming a more perfect union, without being uptight perfectionists, all the while realizing that we are all perfectly imperfect beings having a human experience, just as Nature and the Muses of Creativity intended.

Whatever else may happen, it's time to create a Cultural Renaissance, based around making art and music and writing and adding loving and kindness into the mix, and moving it all along sidewalks and freeways and wooded paths, while defending against cultural mediocrity whenever possible. In our less-than-tranquil world, where strife and fear abounds, we'll carve out the means to be less mean and more full of open-eyed wonder and live in the fullness of making what matters, in every way possible.

In the Heart of the City. Pasted paper collage.

In the Heart of the City. Pasted paper collage.

Russell C. Smith

When oppression dons a clown mask and hits back hard, liberty is once again fought for. Creation comes in many forms, and it likes it like that. On the far shore of Somewhere New, we've got to get things going before the going gets rougher. Spying eyes and lies that are told to school kids never made anything great, or even good. It's better to be the species we are meant to be, holding higher standards and laughing memories as the cue to cure all the societal blindness we've willingly dumped into our eye-sockets.

Where do we go now? True to form, new forms are established every time something is created out of nothing. As it was before and it will be again. Our current cultural forms need reinventing and expanding upon. Personal and cultural reinvention are as real as sunlight, ideas, and empathy. In other words: Yes, is often the answer. Other answers include: Now, Release, Miles, Drawing, Speaking, Eyeball, Breath, Voice, Touch, Wonder, Willingly, Tree, Waves, Words, Pictures, Walk, Garden, Muse, Beach, Ask, Be, Reinvent, Life, Sensuality, Memory.

Making it happen day by day makes sense, since that's how a life gets lived. Following where creativity leads, and living and connecting in open and deep ways is what matters more than before in our fractured culture. Who is we? Who have we become? Where do we want to go, for us, and future generations?

Connection matters, living here in the Age of Digital Distraction. Connect more with who you are, and who you want to become. Connect more with those around you, and with you those you want around you more. We live in a world of large people staring down into small screens. This is the case for the foreseeable future. Connect and see beyond the daily norm.

In the beginning, we realized starting each day with a song in our mind is in our best interests. Waking, touching, loving, walking, wondering, wandering, being interested in who we happen to be. In the end, life happens in more varied and wonderful ways, or at least that's how it used to be. And should be again. We are all responsible for creating the next culture in The United Snakes, the United Wakes-Up, the Unleashed Possibility of it All. We are here. Now.

How we remain creative in the face of transition, confusion, upheavals, distraction and disengagement is one of the big questions worth facing. Creativity compels change. It makes what previously only lived in the imagination tangible. Creativity waits for no one, but works through everyone. The world is waiting, and our culture is exhausted by the inexhaustible possibilities that are being put into the new cultural renaissance building up and forming finally around us.

Let's be grateful that we live in this constantly-changing now, and do our part to transform it for the better in each wide-awake waking moment we inhabit and envision.


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