May 21 Sagittarius Full Moon | Warrior Spirit

As the moon waxes toward the Sagittarius Full Moon at 1 degree Sagittarius/Gemini at 5:14pm EST on Saturday May 21, we'll sense an acceleration that can rouse our enthusiasm, sense of adventure and warrior spirit.
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As the moon waxes toward the Sagittarius Full Moon at 1 degree Sagittarius/Gemini at 5:14pm EST on Saturday May 21, we'll sense an acceleration that can rouse our enthusiasm, sense of adventure and warrior spirit.

The next several days will see the Sun enter Gemini on Friday, the Full Moon conjunct Mars rx on Saturday, Mercury station direct on Sunday as Venus and Mars rx align for an opposition next Tuesday. Hold on tight...

This Full Moon is conjunct Mars rx - the warrior planet - so we'll likely witness more volatility in the collective.

Giving in to frustration and impulsiveness will be easy. What's challenging is finding ways around confrontations. A true warrior can speak the truth and stand up for what's right without spoiling for a fight.

Full Moons highlight polarizations and here we have the polarization between the Gemini impulse for information, facts and knowledge against the Sagittarius urge for wisdom, faith and truth.

The Sun, newly ingressed into Gemini, provides us the much needed element of air. Pathways of communication that may have been closed during Taurus season will now have an opportunity to vent.

Possessed by Righteousness

Austin Coppock writes that this first decan of Sagittarius carries the symbol of the 'Poisoned Arrow,' capable of swift and precise accomplishment, but also violence and destruction. Sagittarius can bring about righteousness run amok.

Mercury stations direct this weekend adding to the potential of truths revealed and information being hacked or hijacked. Venus, the relationship planet, will be on the fixed star Caput Algol which symbolizes a runaway reaction of 'losing one's head'. She'll soon face an opposition with Mars, suggesting masculine-feminine dynamics are especially tense.

The igniting of fire and air energy amplifies the potential for getting carried away and shaking up relationships. If we don't know where we stand or what our priorities are, we could easily get derailed and carried off into drama, power struggles and arguments.

True, Helpful, Kind

Sagittarius is the philosopher and seeks the greater truths. But 'truth telling' alone can be problematic and even hurtful when it's not aligned with being helpful or kind.

As the wise old saying goes, before you offer your opinion ask yourself first:

: Is it TRUE?

: Is it HELPFUL?

: Is it KIND?

As a trained archer is precise with where they aim, this same precision can be used in our communications and intentions.

Words are powerful and the damage they can do is sometimes irreversible. Keep this in mind when aiming your arrows of truthiness.

We'll have another Sagittarius Full Moon at the end of Sag on June 20 - a Blue Moon - and so the adventures begin...

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