Media Drunk Tank: Blond Jokes

If you haven't seen Kelly's positively apoplectic pre-election interview with Obama spokesman Bill Burton, you owe it to yourself to take a look. Just Google "Megyn Kelly" and "goes nuts," and it will pop up immediately.
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And So Fox's Bush Years Revisionism Begins...Now!

You might say Fox News' Megyn Kelly is the perfect hybridization of everything the network most values in its employees.

She's suitably blond, beautiful, and bimboish, but her personality is about what you'd get if you gave Ted Nugent meth and rabies and then stitched a holiday shopping bag full of peanut brittle and squirrels to his genitals.

If you haven't seen Kelly's positively apoplectic pre-election interview with Obama spokesman Bill Burton, you owe it to yourself to take a look. Just Google "Megyn Kelly" and "goes nuts," and it will pop up immediately.

Anyway, last week, on the morning after the election, as the rest of the waking world was basking in the awe-inspiring historical import of the moment, Megyn found the time to resurrect the hoariest of partisan grudges: the story about Clinton staffers leaving the White House in disarray and pulling childish pranks (such as removing the W's from office keyboard keys) prior to George W. Bush assuming office.

After claiming that Bill Clinton's team "did not exactly roll out the red carpet" for George Bush eight years ago, Kelly welcomed former deputy assistant to President Bush Brad Blakeman, who assured Fox viewers that Bush will have a very efficient transition put in place and that the Bushies indeed will be "rolling out the red carpet at every level for the Obama team."

Okay, so while a GOP-requested General Accounting Office investigation did reveal some Clinton staff-related damage to the White House (which, in true Republican spirit, ended up costing less than the investigation itself), trying to highlight the Bush team's famous efforts to restore honor and dignity to the White House now after everything that's happened in the last eight years seems a bit like complimenting Ted Bundy on his tidy murder scenes.

So Clinton left the White House in disarray but the country in great shape, whereas Bush will leave the country in disarray but the White House in great shape. Sure, Bush may be reviled by a generation of historians, statesmen, and ordinary citizens, but at least we're not on the hook for unreasonable charges at Office Depot.

This is what's known in the non-partisan-hackery world as "losing perspective."

Indeed, only Fox could take time out from perhaps the greatest election story in a generation to focus on a story about the guy who ballooned our deficit, got us mired in an unnecessary war that he misled us into, raped our Constitution, presided over the greatest security failure in U.S. history, made everyone in the world hate us, and stood by and watched as the nation's economy drove into the ditch being forced to deal with a few defective pieces of office equipment eight years ago. Brava, Megyn. Brava.

Stupid Sh*t That Ann Coulter Said Last Week

In her election post-mortem, renowned right-wing pundit and frothing yellow-haired banshee Ann Coulter said this stupid sh*t:

"Indeed, the only good thing about McCain is that he gave us a genuine conservative, Sarah Palin. He's like one of those insects that lives just long enough to reproduce so that the species can survive. That's why a lot of us are referring to Sarah as 'The One' these days."

Sure, Ann. You might also refer to her as "The One candidate in the history of high elective office who didn't know Africa was a continent and would have had trouble bluffing her way through the pre-game chit-chat on Deal or No Deal."

While the not currently insane wing of the Republican Party was taking what amounted to a collective post-coital shower while frantically rehearsing excuses for why they couldn't do breakfast as the Palin beast stirred awake on the day after, Ann was angling for snuggle time and Googling Sunday brunch spots on her BlackBerry.

Here's a deal for you, Ann: If the Republicans run Palin in 2012, we liberals will draft Mike Gravel. You know, just to be fair.

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