What If Salvador Dali Was Born In 1983 Instead Of 1904?

What If Salvador Dali Was Born In 1983?

What if surrealist par excellence Salvador Dali was born in 1983 instead of 1904?

Would he upgrade to a lobster iPhone? Would he keep the world informed of his mustachioed persuasions with a blog of selfies? Would his infamous ocelot have its own LOL-worthy YouTube channel?


Artist Brian Kirhagis explores this hypothetical in his upcoming exhibition "BK x Dali," which gives Dali's beloved oeuvre a contemporary tune up. (BK for Brian Kirhagis, in case you were curious.)

"People have often commented that my paintings remind them of Dali, so I decided to take the concept one step further and imagine what type of work Dali might produce if he had been born in the 1980s rather than the early 1900s," Kirhagis explained. Kirhagis accurately conjures Dali's signature melting canvases, sprinkling cultural innovations like apple products and Facebook logos into the mix.

While we get a kick of out Kirhagis' work, we'd love to hear (or see) other opinions of what a new age Dali would bring to the artistic table. Would Dali even choose paint as his medium? Personally, we doubt it. How do you imagine a contemporary Dali?






"BK x Dali" will run from September 5 until September 30 at Sacred Gallery in New York.

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