New Security Scanner Shows All

Does anybody really think we need to be exposed to more X-rays in our daily lives?
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There was an AP story out last week titled "Security scanner can see through clothes": "The Phoenix airport on Friday became the first in the United States to test new X-ray technology that can see through people's clothes and show the body's contours with blush-inducing clarity." It goes on to say that "passengers selected for screening by the device are asked to stand in front of the closet-size X-ray unit with the palms of their hands facing out. Then they must turn around for a second screening from behind. The procedure takes about a minute."

Does anybody really think we need to be exposed to more X-rays in our daily lives? Many of us are old enough to remember those machines that took X-rays of our feet. They were considered a novelty item until they were later found to be harmful to our health. We also used to get chest x-rays every year until that was found to be more harmful than helpful. And now they would like us to stand in a machine for one minute and be X-rayed to see if we are carrying anything nefarious. Even if it is voluntary the TSA is assuming that these X-rays are harmless, but no doubt in the long term they will be proven wrong.

Everyone born in the last 30 years should read George Orwell's book 1984 to understand where this government is headed. It is not a reassuring picture. I would suggest that anyone who cares about the cells in their body bypass this new technology, and allow a real person to do the inspection.

Finally, even though the TSA says that the images will be blurred you can bet some security officers are going to see things that only your lover or your doctor should see. Perhaps an exhibitionist will be pleased, but for the rest of us this is beyond the pale.

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