Newsweek Correspondent: Outrage Over Latest February Cover Is 'Petty'

Newsweek Correspondent: Outrage Over Latest February Cover Is 'Petty'

The February cover of Newsweek, featuring a woman whose skirt is being lifted by a computer cursor, has sparked national outrage, with some even calling it "faceless" and a "disservice to these women [in tech] and countless others."

But Nina Burleigh, the journalist behind the piece, told HuffPost Live's Caroline Modarressy-Tehrani on Friday that she thinks all the backlash is "totally misguided" and the focus should be on the content of the article as opposed to the image itself.

"For these people to be coming out being outraged by an image as opposed to actual [sexist] behavior is just petty," Burleigh said.

Watch the clip above to hear Nina Burleigh discuss more about the controversial Newsweek cover.

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