NICD's Civility Revolution: Proven Strategies, New State Leaders, Active Foot Soldiers and a Ready-and-Eager American Public

Just last week, a large survey of citizens asserted loudly their dislike of the rampant incivility in our nation. NICD heard them - loud and clear. And I am deeply proud that several of our key programs, which are growing daily, are exactly the actions needed to turn the tide on incivility.
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In my last blog, I called for a "Civility Revolution" built on a central strategy of actions based on listening. As I wrote, the nation "can't move forward in any type of useful manner unless we listen to each other - really listen. It doesn't mean we have to agree - and it doesn't mean we won't state our own case - but we need to act like adults and find the road we can take together to allow America, and all Americans, to move forward."

Just last week, a large survey of citizens asserted loudly their dislike of the rampant incivility in our nation. NICD heard them - loud and clear. And I am deeply proud that several of our key programs, which are growing daily, are exactly the actions needed to turn the tide on incivility. We have in place strong generals and willing foot soldiers eager to work together on programs that NICD has proved effective. This is a battle that we can, working together, win.

The loud call from the American public came through a survey, Civility in America, released by Weber Shandwick and Powell Tate with KRC Research, which is the sixth installment in their series. The results leave no doubt that Americans, overwhelmingly, have had it with nasty political rhetoric and are ready to work together toward a kinder, gentler nation and the resultant stronger democratic society.

According to the poll of 1,005 adults across the nation, 83% of likely voters report that they are paying close attention to national politics, and a full 93% of all likely voters say a candidate's tone or level of civility will be an important factor in deciding how they cast their votes in the 2016 presidential election.

And that is not all. Concern about the lack of civility is on the rise: 95% said it is a problem; 67% consider it a "major" problem." And 70%, up from 65% in 2014, believe incivility has reached "crisis" levels.

NICD has been researching incivility in politics and media for the five years it has been in existence. We have data and research; we have programs with proven results; we have generals leading the way and foot soldiers in the trenches. And we have an American public loudly ready to join the fight.

In short, the Institute has been girding for battle over the last five years and has in place maneuvers, strategies and the human capital that can turn the tide. Join us.

State Level Generals: A national network of state legislators, created by the National Institute of Civil Discourse (NICD), has tapped new leadership to expand its mission to return civility, rationality and respect to American politics. State representatives Matt Pouliot (R-ME) and Rep. Stephanie Howse (D-OH) are leading the bipartisan effort as co-chairs for NICD's National Network of State Legislators Committed to Civil Governance, which practices, models and expands civil governance as a means of strengthening American democracy.

Foot Soldiers: Millennials, larger in size as a group than Baby Boomers, are a major voting bloc targeted by NICD. Text, Talk, Vote is a social media platform built on the enormous success of NICD's Text, Talk, Act. Aimed at millennials, the programs capture the passion of these young adults and channel it into informed discussions, actions, and votes.

American Citizens: NICD can transform your incivility-exhaustion into action. Click here to learn more - and step up with us to create the America that we all want, and know is possible.

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