Not Just Comic Genius: Noah Baron and Ross Willett, the Comedy Duo Taking Over the Internet

Modern comedy is a tough business, especially in Los Angeles. This is a city where people take themselves very seriously. Almost too seriously.
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Modern comedy is a tough business, especially in Los Angeles. This is a city where people take themselves very seriously. Almost too seriously.

Often times, people do not seem to realise, or even see the beauty and hilarity of living in southern California and it's cliché lifestyle so highly publicised through the media created here.

In a desperate attempt to avoid that stern mentality, I set myself only one rule for this summer:

'Go with your gut instinct and only talk to people that stand out and make you laugh'

Copyright Mark Ramont 2015

Two people that have found the niche where comedy and art collide are Noah Baron and Ross Willett. Despite knowing nothing about them prior to my arrival, these two stood out like an oasis in the desert.

I won't bore you with the ins-and-outs of how I came to be strolling through Venice with the duo behind the brilliant Just Another Production Productions, but in short, these guys are modern comedians in the best possible way and I honestly believe they will both be household names in the very near future.

For my British readers, let me give you a little overview on who Baron and Willett are and why YOU should check them out RIGHT NOW.

Copyright Mark Ramont 2015

Upon meeting a little over four years ago through a mutual friend, Baron and Willett quickly realised that their knack for comedy was inherent. With the brutality of this industry being a tough beast to tackle, they turned to YouTube and created their first video - a parody of the Fight Club trailer, only with cuddling instead of punching.

The video went viral and the pair soon realised that this could be a legitimate way into the entertainment industry.

Ross Willett, doing his thing - copyright Mark Ramont 2015

'I knew nothing about making videos when we started this,' says Willett, 'and since we didn't have the funds to keep hiring professionals, I just taught myself.'

The teamwork involved in developing, writing and creating the YouTube videos is something that everyone in entertainment should aspire to. With Baron heading up the business end of things, as well as maintaining the channel and social media accounts, and Willett behind the camera, they are a force to be reckoned with. The happy medium they have created for themselves is both inspiring and professional - I mean, could you imagine working THIS well with your best friend?

Noah Baron, being wonderful - copyright Mark Ramont 2015

As hilarious as the YouTube channel is, it did not prepare me for the tsunami of comic and surprise that crashes out of Baron and Willett. In the space of two hours we covered subjects from guns, transport, food, politics and love.

When it comes to serious conversations like gluten, Noah is always right (anti-gluten) and Ross is unhealthy (doesn't give a shit about gluten).
And yet it is not a source of contention because I am fairly sure that the only reason Baron cares about whether Willett eats gluten or not is because he wants him to be healthy and live forever.

Surely, a man that can do this:

copyright KSmythe, 2015

is healthier than about 90% of everyone else in this country?

Overall, what made me love these two was their attention to the real world, yet another trait you'll struggle to find in Los Angeles. Their comedy is quick, original and packed with dry wit and real humour.

I cannot wait to see Noah Baron and Ross Willett become household names in the ever evolving industry of Los Angeles.

Check out their videos here:

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