Obama Approval Rating Drops After NSA Surveillance News: Poll

Obama Approval Falls

President Barack Obama's approval rating dropped eight points from last month, according to a CNN poll released Monday.

The survey found that 45 percent of respondents approve of the president, while 54 percent disapprove. In mid-May, the numbers were essentially reversed -- 53 percent approved and 45 percent disapproved. Americans under 30 flipped by 17 points against Obama, according to the poll. Half of the respondents said they do not feel that he is honest and trustworthy -- a nine-point drop from last month.

The public disapproves of surveillance, and 43 percent of people think the administration has gone too far in sacrificing civil liberties in the name of fighting terrorism, the CNN poll found. A recent HuffPost/YouGov poll found that 45 percent of Americans feel Obama is doing a poor job when it comes to protecting constitutional rights. The CNN poll found that 61 percent of people disapprove of surveillance efforts, while 35 percent said they approve.

The numbers suggest that the president's approval level has been damaged by the revelations that the NSA is surveilling Americans' phone and Internet activities, and the president's support for such programs.

The president's approval rating has fallen recently overall, according to HuffPost/Pollster's polling average:

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