Obama In Kansas: 'It Is Great To Be Back In The State Of Texas' (VIDEO)

Obama Geography Flub?

President Obama continued his push for the extension of the payroll tax cut on Tuesday during a swing through Kansas.

Or was it Texas?

While making his introduction to what he called a "make or break moment for the middle class," Obama appeared to stumble over which state he was in.

"It is great to be back in the state of Tex--," Obama said, before cutting himself off and correcting himself with a smile. "State of Kansas."

(Video above via National Journal)

Obama made a quick recovery, claiming that he was making a joke about the University of Kansas basketball coach.

"I was giving Bill Self a hard time. He was here a while back," he said.

Geographical gaffes have not been an uncommon on the campaign trail. GOP presidential candidates Michele Bachmann and Rick Santorum have both tripped over Africa, a continent that contains the nation of Libya.

Campaigning in 2008, Obama said that he'd campaigned in "57 states" while claiming that he'd visited almost all of the 48 continental United States.

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