Obama's Sunday Morning Message to the Fox Network and Chris Wallace: "Oh You Can Dance, Allright, Just Not at My Party"

For Chris Wallace to imply that the Obama team is any tougher on the media than, say, theadministration, is an absolute joke.
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President Barack Obama went on a media blitz Sunday morning, doing five consecutive, brilliantly choreographed interviews on CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC and Univision, while snubbing the Fox Network's "Fox News Sunday" with host Chris Wallace. This is the same Fox Broadcasting Network that chose to air the reality show
"So You Think You Can Dance"
instead of Obama's health-care-reform speech September 9th.
What goes around, comes around,

Seems Wallace didn't take the snub lightly, whining to Fox News' Bill O'Reilly Friday evening about the Obama administration, which apparently has gotten under his not-so-thick skin:

"They are the biggest bunch of crybabies I have dealt with in my 30 years in Washington. They constantly are on the phone, or emailing me complaining, well, you had this guest. Or you did this thing. I mean, they are working the umps all the time. I think it works for the others. It doesn't work with me."

Normally, Wallace does a decent job of containing his partisan leanings, but I guess this rejection was simply too large for the ego to ignore publicly. It's understandable, and to be expected, for various Fox personalities to lash out at Obama and Democrats. But for Wallace to imply that the Obama team is any tougher on the media than, say, the Bush administration, is an absolute joke. No one controlled the message and the audience better than Karl Rove; no president spoke less to the media, or derided them when he did, more than Dubya; and no administration operated under a bigger veil of secrecy than the Bushies. I guess for Wallace, it just seems worse when you're no longer at the head of the table.

So here's my advice to Wallace: next time the president of the United States of America gives a prime time address to a joint session of Congress on a critical issue, ya might want to convince the execs to run it instead of some mindless reality show. Then maybe when Obama throws another party you'll get invited. The truth is, Obama didn't need the right-wing fanatics to win the election, and he certainly doesn't need them to pass health care or push through any other of his critical domestic or foreign policies (he just needs some cajones). If these folks, and the Fox Network, wish to marginalize themselves and extract themselves from the debate, that's their choice. Obama's message to them Sunday morning was clear: I don't need you either.

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