Tevin Johnson-Campion, Son Of Obergefell V. Hodges Plaintiffs, Calls Case's Oral Arguments 'Offensive'

Son Of Gay Marriage Plaintiffs Sounds Off On 'Offensive' Oral Arguments

Tevin Johnson-Campion's family is committed to establishing marriage equality in their home state of Kentucky and across America, which is why his fathers are acting as plaintiffs in conjunction with the Obergefell V. Hodges federal lawsuit.

In a conversation with HuffPost Live on Wednesday, Johnson-Campion addressed the case's oral arguments delivered in the Supreme Court on Tuesday, specifically the "offensive" claim from the opposing counsel that homes without a biological mother and father are less-than.

"I've been given a great life. My parents have always been there for me, and just for someone to sit there and say that we're less deserving, I definitely feel like that's offensive," Johnson-Campion told host Josh Zepps. "We are all deserving of a loving home and two parents who love us very much, regardless of gender. My two dads have been great and to anyone who opposed that, I have to say to them: get to know us."

Johnson-Campion says his family has "definitely been nervous" about how the case will play out, but he's hopeful.

"It's very nerve-racking, especially within the last few years of people saying, 'Okay, you guys can get married,' and then flip-flopping back around and saying, 'Okay, we've appealed it,'" he recounted. "While we remain optimistic and while we hope for the best, you never know what's going to happen."

Watch more from Tevin Johnson-Campion's conversation with HuffPost Live in the clip above.

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