Occupy, It Is February, 2015. Where Are Your Children?

Occupy, It Is February, 2015. Where Are Your Children?
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I have been looking all over for you. The mainstream media long ago declared you dead or missing, and yet you seem to pop up in so many ways and places.

Didn't I see you in Paris -- at that march "Je Suis Charlie?" Were you just one person in that march of a million, or the soul of that march? You did more than join arms, I know, because the black sheep in the family, Anonymous, had a statement to make.

Did you really declare war on ISIS?

Oh, my. How you have grown up since your Zuccotti Park "hacktivism" days. I can see why the NSA is annoyed by your capabilities. Fear them, actually, which makes for great press and possibly an increase in their budget. Are you truly that naughty, or just a convenient bogeyman?

But, wait -- didn't I see you earlier this year in -- of all places -- Hong Kong? Three years and 11 days from the date of your own start in Zuccotti, there you are in that far-away city teeming with young and old who look a lot like you did... Are you still there? It does get confusing.

The actions of your offspring in Australia may have been an inspiration for the Hong Kong folk. Aussies have that "big tent" philosophy that might seduce a mighty Asian city. Who wouldn't want to associate themselves with people declaring themselves to be "not just one political idea, belief, collective or organization, (but a) a diverse community of many ideas...coming together to call for a better world." Provocateurs, indeed.

And then, there were those pesky kin of yours in Occupy Japan. Unlike those in Hong Kong demanding open and free elections, these activists focused on the nightmare of Fukushima and a corporate-state partnership that shackles their population to an expensive and dangerous source of power. Could free elections in Hong Kong presage mainland China's own "meltdown?'

London Justice is Falling Down, Falling Down...

What in the world are you doing in London? I must compliment you for actually having a Green senior politician, Jenny Jones, arrested during one of your protests. We in the U.S. haven't found any politician with enough backbone to march with -- much less be arrested with -- Occupiers.

I also appreciate that Jenny was arrested by Metropolitan Police officers after she dared to investigate complaints of their heavy-handed tactics at Occupy London protests. We don't remember any member of Bloomberg's administration showing up for that purpose.

Ah, yes, that brings to mind the "police" angle. Is that why Occupy has "disappeared" in America? Are U.S. Occupiers finally intimidated? Cowed?

A bit unlikely, as I did see Occupiers reincarnated among the protestors at Ferguson. I also saw them a month or so later among the angry crowds protesting the Eric Garner incident. Whether shouting #HandsUPDon'tShot or #ICan'tBreathe, their voices echoed yours.

The thin blue line of just one person...

Are you concerned that only one member of that blue fraternity has earned the respect and admiration of protestors across the spectrum of OWS and Civil Rights actions? That's retired Philadelphia police captain Ray Lewis, of course.

Infamously caught in iconic photos when he was arrested at Zuccotti Park carrying a sign supporting the occupiers, Ray Lewis has emerged as a beacon of hope and a reminder of what a police officer used to be. Or, should be. Oh, that police unions would encourage such citizenship.

Since Zuccotti, Captain Lewis has been appearing at events ranging from protesting fracking to holding a floodlight up to police foibles -- all funded by the pension he earned for his years of faithful police service. Interviewed in Ferguson, he explains his purpose:

"As with any action I attend I always have two goals. First, to show solidarity with the protesters and that they have a legitimate cause. And second, to try and reach white mainstream America thru mainstream media."

At practically every protest he attends, he is thrust forward by the crowd to speak to reporters and television crews on their behalf. "Over here -- here's a cop who sees our humanity." The reporters seem to slip away, mumbling apologies about catching a flight, and the TV folk simply turn off their cameras and stand -- mute and blind.

No need to be overly "fair and balanced," I guess. No need to have a white cop address white America about racism and police abuse of power. What value in that?

So, I ask again. Where are your children?

In the early weeks of Occupy Wall Street someone, perhaps not half- joking, printed up a crude sign on a piece of battered cardboard: "Screw Us, and We Multiply."

Well, you were screwed -- and you did appear to multiply.

You know that problem in Detroit where citizens are having their water turned off because of non-payment? Fuggeddaboudit -- Occupy-inspired activists are helping man the water brigade and righting a grievous wrong.

That homeless situation in San Diego? Remaining OWS activists will not allow this problem to go away from public notice. So embarrassing to the establishment, that their leaders were blocked from attending the NAEH (National Association to End Homelessness) meeting in February 17 at the luxurious Harbor Island Sheraton. On a technicality, Dr. John Kitchin, editor of the San Diego Homeless News had to be let it -- as a journalist.

Is Red the New Black?

The American Indian, Alaskan Native and Indigenous First Nations people in Canada have incorporated Occupy's outrage and are key allies in fighting the XL pipeline. In Canada, the chant is "Idle No More" -- - and they are proving that by their strong stand against the KXL Pipeline.

The "Indigenous Peoples Issues and Resources" website addresses causes that most white Americans are not even aware of, and are all the lesser for that.

There is even a conversation in Occupy to locate a site for their 4th annual S-17 (September 17 -- Occupy's Birthday) gathering somewhere on the Rosebud Sioux reservation this year. The tip of that spear is Native Lakota, Willie Underbaggage.

And, let's not forget that "debt" thingy you brought to our attention....

Occupy's Rolling Jubilee has wrapped up its oh-so-successful campaign to draw attention to debt inequities by raising over $700,000 to buy and abolish $25,000,000 in personal medical debt and even bunches of student debt and payday loan debt. The press was great, and both left and right of center were blown away by the power of "people bailing out people."

Their parent working group, Strike Debt, is now freed up to focus more directly on the disease of debt itself and has just announced a national campaign of debt resistance -- a Debt Collective -- to "transform the way we finance basic necessities such as education, health care and housing."

My, now that IS a big undertaking. But, aren't you also active in... And?

Wait, wait, I have figured it out.

There is a very good reason as to why I can't seem to find you anywhere... you are everywhere!

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