'Panda Porn' Gets Female Giant Panda Ke Lin In The Mood To Mate (PHOTO)

LOOK: 'Panda Porn' Gets Female Panda In The Mood

Panda researchers in China recently decided to screen some steamy "panda porn" to get Ke Lin, a 5-year-old female giant panda, in the mood for love.

panda pornIn this Mar. 10, 2013, photo, female giant panda Ke Lin is shown watching a panda mating video at Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding. (Credit: Reuters)

As the South China Morning Post notes, researchers at the Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding in Sichuan province, China, had become concerned after Ke Lin repeatedly rejected attempts by her male companion Yong Yong to mate with her. They feared that she would miss her annual estrous cycle, which only lasts for three days a year.

Panicked, the researchers decided to play a video of pandas mating in the wild to pique Ke Lin's interest.

Incredibly, the "panda porn" tactic appeared to work. According to ChinaNews.com, Ke Lin was "fascinated" by the sexy video. She is said to have watched it attentively, before finally allowing Yong Yong to mate with her.

"In the wild, Ke Lin would have seen lots of other pandas mating but in captivity, it's no wonder she needed help," a spokesman for the breeding center said, according to the Telegraph.

Researchers added this was the first time they had screened "panda porn" to encourage mating.

Due to the widespread destruction of their natural habitat, "most giant pandas are now bred in captivity," Today.com writes. But unfortunately, many pandas are said to "lose sexual interest once domesticated."

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