Paul Quinn College Turns Football Field Into Farm

Paul Quinn College Turns Football Field Into Farm

Paul Quinn College is one of many schools in the country who have eliminated their football programs to save money. But the Dallas college is not letting its former football facilities go to waste -- or become overgrown. The school has decided to farm the land on which its football players once scrimmaged.

A 16-student team will begin working the crops and handle the first harvest this summer. Niko Nkululeko, a freshman wearing a fighting okra T-shirt, said he's ready for the opportunity. "I will be part of something positive," he said after the speeches.

Others will follow. And production and management of the farm will be included in some science, education and business courses, particularly a year-long class in social enterprise to be required of all freshmen beginning this fall.

Through the program the school is working with, PepsiCo's Food for Good Farm, students will study social enterprise and marketing with Pepsi employees.

Some of the football field-farmed food will be distributed to the surrounding community, where a dearth of fresh produce has long been an issue. Food will also be sold on campus and in local markets.

According to the Morning News, the two-acre field has been seeded with cucumbers, squash, watermelon, dill, blueberries, cantaloupe and more.

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