Penis Ring Sparks Bomb Alert In German Casino

The vibrating sex toy led to evacuations and street closure.

This gambling hall wasn't taking any chances.

An employee of the Spielothek casino in Halberstadt, Germany, heard ticking and humming noises from a men's bathroom trash bin Tuesday and called police, the Local in Germany reported.

Cops evacuated dozens from the casino and adjacent shops, blocked off the street and called in the bomb squad. The bomb squad eventually found something not-so-explosive in the trash: a penis ring that was still vibrating, the Local wrote.

A vibrating penis ring (not the one pictured) prompted the evacuation of the casino in Halberstadt and a street shutdown.
A vibrating penis ring (not the one pictured) prompted the evacuation of the casino in Halberstadt and a street shutdown.
Sarah Ashun via Getty Images

An official told German publication Volkstimme that the department had to react "on the safe side."

As for the battery-powered sex toy that caused all the panic, no one knows how it got there.

"This is something I have never seen in 36 years on the force, that just tops everything," the chief superintendent told Volksstimme.

This isn't the only emergency response to penis ring activity in Germany of late. In March, firefighters had to remove several rings from a fetishist in Munich, RT reported.

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