Plants vs. Zombies Makes the Zombie Invasion Cute, Addictive

Plants vs. Zombies Makes the Zombie Invasion Cute, Addictive

Your defense is an army of seedlings ; specially-bred plants that offer you offensive and defensive capabilities, such as pea-shooters, mushrooms that blast spores at the zombies, zombie-eating vines, exploding "cherry bombs," potato mines and many more. Plants vs. Zombies sports five different play modes -- Adventure, Survival, Puzzle, Zen Garden and Mini-Game challenges, with 50 levels in the main Adventure mode and 50 more in the other game modes. There are four dozen different plants you unlock in the course of the game, and dozens of different zombie types ranging from businessmen to football players, miners, and even a zombie bobsled team.

It takes a well-worn genre-the tower defense game-creates what seems like overly simplistic gameplay, and adds in a dash of cartoony graphics. The trick is that PopCap then continues to twist and shape and pervert the basic gameplay until you're in the middle of something devilishly tricky, second-guessing your earlier decisions. Instead of a twisty path to the goal, your lawn is made up of a grid system of five lanes with nine rows, to start with.

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