Polar Bear Migration Webcams Capture Bears On The Move (LIVE FEED)

WATCH LIVE: Canadian Polar Bear Migration

Want to watch the annual polar bear migration in northern Manitoba, Canada without getting cold? You're in luck.

Explore.org, a philanthropic media organization, has teamed up with Polar Bears International and Frontier North to deliver high definition images of the bears' migration, now through the end of November.

Charles Annenberg Weingarten, filmmaker and founder of explore.org, said in a press release, "The polar bears are among the most magical of our planet's endangered species, and much like the lions of Africa, have come to represent the many consequences of global warming and industrialization." He added, "By providing a window into their worlds, we are giving people a chance to come together to cherish the bears and an opportunity to share their plight in a compelling way."

Every year, hundreds of polar bears gather near Churchill, Manitoba and wait along the shores of the Hudson Bay for the water to freeze so they can begin hunting seals. According to the Associated Press, Manitoba is "unseasonably warm" this year, meaning that the Hudson Bay may not freeze until later. Last year's freeze came a month late, in mid-december.

Krista Wright, executive vice president of Polar Bears International, told AP that such delays can spell trouble for the bears. The ice is "breaking up earlier and freezing later, so the time they're spending on land is longer. The time they're on land, they're basically fasting," she said.

Explore.org will reportedly be adding new features to the webcams soon that will "allow viewers to document their observations of the polar bears on the website," reported AP.

After watching the polar bears, be sure to check out these images of other impressive animal migrations.

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