Puerto Rico: I've Had Enough - What's Next?

Puerto Rico: I've Had Enough - What's Next?
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Puerto Rico, what’s next? That is the major question that many of us have been asking ourselves? I have been going beyond asking and involving friends into conversations on this very topic. We have all seen the message loud and clear from the U.S. - We are a territory of the U.S. and after the devastation of Hurricane Maria and the slow and irresponsible actions of Trump we can no longer remain quiet. We have to MAKE A LOT OF NOISE and help change the narrative on the demand that the status of our island needs to be a priority on any table of discussion.

The debt crisis was the beginning and now post Hurricane Maria is the final straw for any Puerto Rican with any feelings of being Puerto Rican, or for Puerto Rico to act. I’m acting by organizing a forum on December 12th, 2017 in my hood titled: The Future of Puerto Rico. The forum will take place at 6:30PM at Pregones Theater in the heart of the Puerto Rican community, the South Bronx. It is scheduled for 6:30PM and the public is invited.

We in the Diaspora now need to go beyond sending water, generators and supplies to the island. We now need to start addressing the future of an island that we seem to be loosing quickly. We are loosing from speculators that, like the vulture fund investors are looking on making a quick buck on the island’s properties from the mass exodus of Puerto Ricans leaving the island. We are losing from the brain drain of the islands young minds that are leaving to find employment elsewhere. We are losing from allowing a government in Washington to continue to treat us a second class citizens and from a government in San Juan who just want to continue to play the same corrupt game off the backs off the decent working people of Puerto Rico.

As a New York raised Puerto Rican I have had enough. Join me and others that are slowly awakening to this reality here in the Diaspora and on the island. Together we can make a difference because, we are the future of Puerto Rico.

I would like to share an article from a Puerto Rican on the island who seems to agree: http://www.elnuevodia.com/opinion/columnas/elfracasodelindependentismo-columna-2377042/

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