Putting Sperm Between Your Breasts Is Not "Bizarre"

Okay, anywhich....so that's the 'bizarre' tidbit, that part about putting the sperm between her Octoboobs or whatever BUT my wife wants you to know that it isn't bizarre at all.
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Okay, my wife made me write this, okay? So just shut up.

Anyway, a recent Huffington Post headline screamed...

And it's about an interview that this dude did with Good Morning America about his sperm and stuff. But mostly his sperm. Anyhoo, this guy thinks that his sperm was an important ingredient for the serial babies that Nadya Suleman (aka "Scary Duggar") had recently. So he talked about his sperm on national TV and included this tasty tidbit...

"I just remember her saying when I donated that the doctor told her that she had to keep it warm by putting it between her -- between her breasts -- just to keep it warm, keep it room temperature until she took it in," he said.

Okay, anywhich....so that's the 'bizarre' tidbit, that part about putting the sperm between her Octoboobs or whatever BUT my wife wants you to know that it isn't bizarre at all. In fact, my wife says that recently she had to bring a sperm sample to the hosptial. The alleged sperm my wife brought came from a man who wishes to remain anonymous because...shut up.

So my wife brought the sperm to the hospital between HER breasts, too and she even told the doctor what she was going to do and the doctor didn't say it was bizarre at all. In fact, the doctor TOLD her to bring the sperm held close to her body and the boobage seemed like a better idea than clenching it between her butt cheeks or shoving some sperm under her armpit.

My wife says those were my stupid ideas and they are gross. And that it was in a plastic container -- sort of Tuppersperm -- not 'shoved' anywhere, as I'm well aware. And that really the whole thing is my fault. Not the whole Octomom thing, but the other thing. Something else. Skip it.

Okay, so news item over. It's not bizarre. Let's never talk about this again.

Lee Stranahan is diabetic, okay? Jeez....

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