Rachel Maddow Goes After Megyn Kelly Over Tweet (VIDEO)

WATCH: Maddow Goes After Megyn Kelly

Rachel Maddow dinged Fox News anchor Megyn Kelly over an eye-catching tweet on her Tuesday show.

Maddow was conducting the second of her "What's More Embarrassing" text polls. (A previous poll focused on Mike Huckabee and George Will.) She singled Kelly out for this tweet, which she posted in advance of her regular legal feature, "Kelly's Court," on Tuesday:

The question was referring to a situation involving a man who punched a 100 pound woman who was under five feet tall, and then claimed he was acting in self defense. Kelly talked about the incident with two lawyers in an effort to decide whether the man could legitimately claim self-defense in court.

"That's a great question, Megyn Kelly, and Happy International Women's Day to you as well," Maddow said sarcastically. She added that Kelly had ultimately come down on the woman's side.

"Fake judge Kelly settled that tough question," Maddow said.


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