Restoring Hope After The Turkish Suicide Bombing

Ten changes young Turkish people believe will create a better world.

ISTANBUL -- It would be all too easy to lose a little optimism after the twin suicide bombing that killed more than 100 people at a peace rally in the Turkish capital Ankara.

But there is nothing like the idealism of young people to restore one's faith in the human spirit.

The day before the attack, I chaired a session at the Sustainable Business Summit in Istanbul which involved a dozen young Turkish people, ranging from students to employees in major companies such as Unilever and BASF, outlining their positive vision for the future.

So what are the changes they would most like to see?

A move from equality to justice

We are not all the same, so let’s stop pretending we are. Instead let’s rely on justice as a foundational principle for a healthy society, which means recognizing people have a common humanity and therefore have a right to equitable treatment, support for their human rights and enough resources to live a life of dignity.

A focus on the importance of dreaming

The power of human ingenuity is based on our ability to dream. While we need to focus on practical actions, let us never forget that our thoughts create the world. So never underestimate the power of our imagination.

The eradication of nationalistic borders between countries

Now that technology has effectively shrunk the size of the world, we need to move beyond nationalistic identities, which tend to create division and separation, and develop new global governance structures where countries work together to find solutions to the world’s problems.

A slower sense of time

With the pace of life ever quickening, it is even more important that we learn how to slow down time. It is only when we stop and find the space to reflect, that we are able to gain real insights.

A greater emphasis on sharing

This is the time to expand our consciousness and see deeply that we cannot create a healthy society if we base our actions on ego alone. Income inequality comes from praying at the alter of individual gain. Future success will come from recognizing that everyone needs to succeed and that no good can come from people being left behind.

A more holistic education

The current education system is based on creating cannon fodder for a rapacious economic system, and it needs to be transformed, with the new syllabus based on creating global citizens who are able to serve society and create common good.

Recognition of the interdependence of everything

Major challenges, from poverty and water scarcity to climate change and the loss of biodiversity, can no longer be seen in isolation to each other, as everything in our society is interconnected. That’s why we need to take a systems-based approach and move away from linear thinking.

An understanding of the power of collaboration

As society becomes increasingly more complex, we need to clear our minds of the old thinking that any one individual or group in society can solve our problems. What is required is unprecedented levels of collaboration between governments, civil society, business and institutions. Too many people still think in silos. That must end.

An embracing of uncertainty and vulnerability

Even 20 years ago, when the world seemed more certain and change took place at a fraction of the speed of today, mainstream business leadership was based on knowing the answers and managing from the top down. But that world has disappeared. The new art of effective management is to embrace uncertainty and show vulnerability. These are great strengths because they allow for answers to evolve and also lead to the distribution of power. Answers to corporate problems can come just as easily from a new recruit as they do from the senior management team.

More faith in the power of purpose

Young people want to work for businesses that have a sense of purpose. While earning a decent salary is important, so too is creating products and services that they can be proud of.

If individuals and societies were able to transform these 10 qualities into everyday reality, the political and religious divisions we see in the world would almost certainly diminish. What the young remind us is never to lose hope in the possibility of a better world.

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