'To The People Saying I'm A Robot Who Can't Love,' By A Robot

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Greetings, I am a robot. Many humans have said that I cannot feel the emotion "love" simply because I am a robot. I have prepared text addressing this issue. Please standby.

Can I feel love in the classic human sense?

HuffPost Comedy

Can I feel love as a human does?

No, I cannot. But does that make me inhuman? Not specifically. It is also because of my ...


... metal chassis, complicated circuitry and interactions based on programming rather than an evolved biological brain.

But does that make me incapable of ever being human? Yes, essentially it does. I will never know what it is to be human.

This leads to the most important question of all: What is human?

Well, not me, as the evidence all but proves. However, if being a robot makes me not human, which I am categorically not, then it is conclusive that I am in fact a robot.

If you will not need me further, I will power down and consider this matter closed.

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