Sagittarius Blue Moon + Cancer Solstice | The Unconquerable Soul

Sagittarius Blue Moon + Cancer Solstice | The Unconquerable Soul
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Sagittarius Full Moon at 29 degrees Sagittarius

Monday’s Sagittarius Full Moon exact at 7:02 am EDT is the second full moon the sign of Sagittarius in a row, making it a rare Blue Moon, signaling the quantum leap in Sagittarian lessons we've experienced in this sign since May 21.

Sagittarius is the sign of the spiritual quest and the lessons of Sagittarius are calling for our attention and deep integration. Our quest for meaning, higher truth and alignment with spirit is at the forefront now.

This pair of Full Moons began with the May 21 Sag Full Moon at the beginning of the sign and now we’re experiencing a Full Moon at the very last degree of Sagittarius, the anaretic 29 degrees. This is a critical degree that adds a vividness and urgency to this lunation.

The Sabian Symbol for the final degree of Sagittarius is “The Pope, blessing the faithful.”

This is a time to reflect on what is truly sacred in our lives. Each of us is devoted to something - whether it’s a conscious choice or unconscious conditioning - and we organize our lives around these priorities.

What is truly deserving of your devotion? And once you find it, ask yourself if you're giving it sufficient time, focused attention and proper worship.

Savoring victory

We’ve come a long way since May 21 and the causes that fired us up then may seem like child’s play compared to now after this great awakening in recent days.

This third decan of Sagittarius is ruled by Saturn, Lord Karma, and brings a heavy dose of responsibility and sobriety, but there’s a promise of the sweet nectar of victory if we discipline ourselves in service of our higher purpose.

Austin Coppock writes of this decan, “There is exhaustion here, but satisfaction as well. It is the last mile of the marathon where sweat and exhaustion mingle with the taste of victory… The hard pathways of this face are thus littered with desperate, brave and heroic acts.”

In the realm of intimacy

The Cancer Solstice follows the Blue Moon by 12 hours, signifying a maximum point of the Sun (maximum ascent in the Northern Hemisphere and maximum descent in the Southern Hemisphere).

The ancients celebrated this change of season as a significant turning point, and it’s reflected in our life force.

The transition of the Sun from Gemini to Cancer shifts the life force emphasis from the mind to the realm of emotions. Cancer is the sign associated with alignment with one’s internal rhythm. As the Sun follows Venus currently in this sign, the need for nurturing of self and in relationship washes over the heightened atmosphere of the human drama.

Destiny amplified

The ruler of this Full Moon is expansive Jupiter in Virgo who’s making a conjunction to the lunar North Node of Destiny, allowing for meaningful connections that can help to light the way forward in this labyrinth of adaptation we're wandering through.

Mercury is transiting mid-Gemini and filling in the space left by the Gemini New Moon which means we have a part two of the Mutable Grand Cross. This time, we may find that information and mental inquiry can provide insight as we continue to refine our vision for our lives.

And finally, Chiron in Pisces, the shamanic soul healer, is squaring this Blue Moon and asking for sacrifice of that which is unnecessary to forward our spiritual quest.

The wounds, shame and fear that might aries at this time are not to linger in but to experience long enough to grasp the sacredness of your quest and it’s profound soul meaning.

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