Same-Sex Couples Match Heterosexual Couples In Performance As Adoptive Parents, UVA/GWU Study Finds

Same-Sex Couples Match Heterosexual Couples In Performance As Adoptive Parents, UVA/GWU Study Finds

In multiple states, adoption for same-sex couples is against the law -- governments hold that a child needs both male and female parents for "optimal development." However, a recent study from George Washington University and the University of Virginia goes against this theory.

According to the Washington Post, University of Virginia researchers Rachel Farr and Charlotte Patterson and George Washington University researcher Stephen Forssell studied children adopted at birth by 50 heterosexual couples and 56 homosexual couples and drew information on the preschoolers from a variety of adults. They discovered that homosexual families were just as adjusted as families with heterosexual parents.

The Post has more on the larger meaning of the study:

From a public policy stance, the study suggests there is "no justification for denying lesbian and gay prospective adoptive parents the opportunity to adopt children," Patterson, the lead researcher, said.

A study released in January had similar findings. Conducted by researchers from New York University and the University of Southern California, it found that children raised by same-sex parents are "statistically indistinguishable" from children raised by married, heterosexual couples.

Across the world, countries seem to be warming to the idea of same-sex adoption. Swiss Info reports that a measure callingfor legalization of same-sex adoption was introduced into Swiss Parliament in June.

What do you think of this study? Do you think it will change state policies? Weigh in below.

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