Seeking Value in Romantic Relationships

Seeking Value in Romantic Relationships
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Have you ever looked at your partner and thought, how are you adding value to my life? If you haven’t, you need to. Every day you should ask and be able to decisively answer that question. After all, why waste your time and energy on something that does not move you forward?

In all honesty, people are only interested in things that provide value. From the careers we choose, to the cars we drive, to the movies we watch, we fill our days and surround ourselves with things we deem valuable. Romantic relationships should not be an exception.

So how does one measure the value of their romantic partner, you ask? Let’s take a look at some of the key identifiers of value.


What social or economic advantage can your partner offer? Is he/she more educated or more street-smart than you? Good, learn from them. Maybe they have a good pedigree, or a high-profile job with lucrative connections. Even better. Take advantage of this resource to propel yourself professionally.


What physical assets do you stand to gain from dating your partner? Property is a big one. Alone, it may be difficult to obtain the loan needed to purchase your dream home. But, with the help of a semi-financially responsible partner, the opportunity to purchase property is all but guaranteed.

And on a softer note, one stands to gain family members. Whether you are absorbed into their existing family unit or you choose to start you own, these additional beings can bring immense value into your life (especially if you did not grow up in a big family).


A more obvious measuring tool to determine value in your relationship is the financial assistance your partner can offer. Living is expensive. Education is expensive. Being healthy is expensive. When you don’t have to bear these financial burdens alone, your quality of life is greatly increased. Whether it’s help with bills, picking up the dinner check, joint bank accounts, or the ability to be a stay-at-home-parent, couples stand to profit from their romantic relationships.


The American Dream is no longer built around owning a home with a white picket fence, but rather, the pursuit of happiness. We worship things and people who bring joy to our lives and allow us to live as authentically as possible. Romantic partners who settle our equilibrium are therefore highly valuable. How does your partner help you grow and manage issues? Can they offer spiritual or religious guidance? Are they emotionally available when you need to decompress and unwind?

The perfect person does not and never will exist. We can’t always offer or operate at our best, which is why we lean on our significant others (financially, emotionally, etc.) for support. And in this sense, we are able to measure the value of our romantic relationships.

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