Shofar FlashMob Around The World (VIDEOS)

WATCH: The International Shofar FlashMob

With one simple command -- Tekiah! -- came the shofar heard 'round the world.

On Sunday (Sept. 18), horn-blowing participants in 17 cities pulled off the first-ever "Shofar FlashMob," organized by Art Kibbutz New York, an international Jewish artist colony.

During Elul, the month of preparation before the Jewish High Holidays, Jews are called to teshuvah (repentance/reflection/return) before the new year, and the shofar is a daily wake-up call.

From Lincoln Center in Manhattan to Wrigley Field in Chicago and Ben Yehudah Street in Jerusalem, the flashmob took the Jewish practice of blowing a ram's horn to a new creative -- and spiritual -- level.

According to the Art Kibbutz:

Like all great art, the Shofar FlashMob became a text of infinite meaning, imparting insight and texture to the beholder and participant alike. There were myriad interpretations of what was taking place. No two experiences were quite alike.

WATCH videos from around the world of the Shofar FlashMob:

New York City:

San Francisco:




WATCH the Shofar FlashMob greeting card:

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