Shun Trump

Shun Trump
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When someone violates a group’s standards, one recourse has been to exclude that person from the group’s activities. For example, various churches have the equivalent of excommunication. Other groups have practiced the silent treatment. And so on.

Well, we find ourselves in a situation in which the leader of the country violates so many of our standards that the normal deference we give to the President only serves to encourage him to continue his outrageous behavior. There is no need to review the long list of insults, attacks, racism and lies, the demonization of immigrants and minorities and women, and.... which we all have experienced in the past year.

We need to ask ourselves a few questions. Why do we obsess over his comments and tweets? They may reveal his state of mind of the moment, but they are not official policy. Why do we pay attention to press briefings in which no questions of import are answered?

So, a modest proposal: Shun Trump.

The main stream media should publish a weekly list of his most interesting tweets and outrageous statements, without comment. The talking heads should cease speculating about the meaning of his words. We all should note them, but cease over-reacting to them.

The main stream media should stop attending his press conferences (if any) and the White House press conferences. Why waste time on empty talk?

The Democratic leadership should refuse to meet with him, focusing instead on dealing with the Republican leadership. Who needs a Presidential photo op or a pretense of togetherness?

Most important, the media, the Democrats, and all of us who care about good government should pay attention to the formal legislation, decisions, rules, and budgets which determine what kind of government we have. This is where the real damage is being done. This is where America is being undone on a daily basis. This is where the resistance has to work.

Shun Trump. It may not change his behavior, but it just might drive him crazy.

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