Simple Ways To Be Happier In 2016

Do you make New Year resolutions? I don't bother because they usually fall off my radar by mid January. Starting the year with failure is not my goal. Here are 25 simple things I will incorporate into my days in 2016. I don't need to do each one, everyday, to be moving toward my goal.
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Do you make New Year resolutions? I don't bother because they usually fall off my radar by mid January. Starting the year with failure is not my goal.

Here are 25 simple things I will incorporate into my days in 2016. I don't need to do each one, everyday, to be moving toward my goal.

Here's how I intend to improve myself, my life and my happiness in 2016.

1~ Not check into my email or social media before 9 a.m.

2~ Use my 5 Minute Gratitude Journal to remember the blessings in my life. Gratitude creates happiness and happiness is my goal.

3~ Focus on today. Reliving the past and anticipating the future wastes my present.

4~ Let go of my need to convince others of my opinion.

5~ Pay closer attention to my body's signals. If I feel a knot in my stomach, it means I'm making a bad choice.

6~ Stop overcommitting my time and simplify my life.

7~ Get out in nature everyday to connect with the majesty around me.

8~ Become more aware of the negative messages that creep into my self-talk, and change them.

9~ Treat myself to some pampering, self-care every day.

10~ Meditate for 20 minutes every morning to quiet the chatter in my brain.

11~ Be aware of the quality of food I put into my body. Quality is as important as quantity.

12~ Remember to thank people for their kindness.

13~ Spend less time at my computer and more time talking to loved ones.

14~ Focus on the positive things in my life. Focusing on the negative is like praying for more of it.

15~ Spend time stretching each day. The older I get the more important it is to be flexible, in both mind and body.

16~ Don't compare myself to others.

17~ Practice kindness. What goes around, comes around, and I want good karma knocking at my door.

18~ Embrace forgiveness. Remember the lessons learned, but forgiving releases negative energy I'm hanging on to.

19~ Schedule time to be silent each day. No music, TV, books or talking. Simply being quiet to hear my own thoughts.

20~ Be open to new experiences and let my life unfold without a white knuckled grasp on how I want it to be.

21~ Continue my Morning Pages, which helps empty the clutter that clogs my thoughts.

22~ Drink more water and less wine.

23~ Continue to organize and clear clutter from my life.

24~ Remember that I am enough and dump my need for approval from others.

25~ Practice non-judgement. Accept people and things as they are.

How are you planning to be happier in 2016?

Earlier on Huff/Post50:


8 Things That Make Or Break Your Happiness: AARP Survey


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