Two Sisters, Four Kids ... One Man

Two Sisters, Four Kids ... One Man

Angel and her boyfriend Brian had been together for seven years and had two kids together ... when Brian started having an affair with Angel's sister, Amber, who got pregnant. The two sisters, who have had a strained relationship for the last seven years, face each other on Wednesday's episode of Dr. Phil.

"Brian and I were in love," says Angel, who had two kids with Brian while they were dating. "I was hoping we would spend the rest of our lives together." She had no idea that Brian was sleeping with her sister, until she found out Amber was pregnant. “Your family is supposed to be the one thing you can depend on in your time of need. You’re supposed to be able to trust that they will be there for you, no matter what,” says Angel, explaining that she had confided in her sister. “While I was trusting [Amber] to be there for me, she was helping herself to my future ... Oh, my gosh, it turns my stomach just even thinking about it.” She says Amber still has not properly apologized for what happened. “Why would I want someone in my life that has no heart, and has no soul and can hurt someone they love without even blinking an eye, without remorse?”

Amber admits she made a mistake seven years ago, but thinks it’s time her sister moved on. “Brian and I were sleeping together for about a year before I got pregnant,” she recalls. “I didn’t want to tell Angel about the relationship ... I didn't think of it as long-term, but then I got pregnant.” She says she tried to apologize to her sister. "I even sent her a care package with homemade brownies. I put mint chips; I know that's her favorite," she explains. But she says her sister began leaving threatening voicemails, and the two have been in a bitter feud ever since.

Watch their story in the video above, and find out how Dr. Phil suggests they can move forward here.

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