These People Were Challenged To Thank Those Who Helped Them. Their Moving Responses Say It All

These People Were Challenged Thank Those Who Helped Them. Their Moving Responses Say It All

This act proved that showing appreciation is rewarding on both ends.

In a video uploaded to YouTube, a life coach asks random passersby to write a thank-you letter to the person who has helped them become successful in life.

The coach then unveils a phone booth, and gets the strangers to call the people who have supported them and express their gratitude by reading the thank-you note.

While the people who received the call were surprised and affected, it was the callers themselves that said the beautiful moments touched them emotionally -- some were even moved to tears.

WATCH the video above to see the powerful exchanges.

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Zebulon Austin/COMBiNE Collective Vancouver Social Experiment

Vancouver Art Social Experiment

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