How to Keep Sane in a World That Seems Crazy

We define what is sane and what is crazy based on our standards, and if we don't set them on what we believe is sound and healthy, then we get things like cloned beef and genetically modified food.
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I've been hearing the word "crazy" a lot lately. When I've been talking to people, both friends and clients, I've noticed that when they're talking about what's going on, they say things like "isn't that crazy?" or "that's so crazy," and sometimes even "everyone's crazy," or "the world's crazy."

Whether we're talking about cloned beef, genetically modified food, gun control, nuclear testing, or someone who's taking a plethora of prescription drugs -- as was the case of a friend of mine, who was having lunch with someone and noticed a shocking amount of pills in their purse that was open on the floor -- it's no wonder why people are saying things like "Isn't that crazy?"

It's not that I haven't noticed or thought about the craziness too, but what it really makes me ask myself is "What is going on!?"

When did crazy become the new normal? By that, I mean, when did we start accepting things in our lives that just doesn't seem right or sane to us, and talk about it at the dinner table like it was just another day at the office?

If we allow for things to pass our "this doesn't feel or smell right to me" test, then it's just a matter of time before all hell will break loose, and according to how a lot of people feel lately, it may have already happened.

I do think that "crazy control" begins with us. If we let things slide, and don't speak up or take a stand when something that we know is questionable or wrong comes up or happens, then we too are letting crazy come into our lives like a bad virus that knocks us down when we least expect it. We have to be prepared when "crazy comes calling," and have a "don't even think about it" attitude when it knocks on our door like an uninvited guest.

I'm not saying that we have control over some disturbing things, such as nuclear testing going on in other countries like North Korea, but there are ways we can have some control over what's going on right here, and have our voices heard clearly and loudly when it needs to be.

Here are some ways to "stop crazy" in your life so you can feel that you're doing something to protect "sanity" like it's an endangered species.

  1. Speak up when you have to. If you're thinking something's not right or okay, say it.

  • Sign a petition against a bill you don't agree with that's trying to pass.
  • Lobby in Washington if you want to be more effective.
  • Don't buy or use a product that's bad for you or the environment.
  • Don't shop in a store that supports or carries something you are against.
  • Don't make excuses for people who contribute to causes or things you oppose.
  • Don't be a hypocrite and say you're against something, but then allow for it.
  • Ask a friend if they're okay or need help, especially if you see drugs or alcohol taking over their life.
  • Teach your children the difference between sane and crazy. Remember, they're inheriting the Earth, and that includes the devastating polluted ocean. It's not too late to change.
  • Do things that are sane and normal for you and share it with others.
  • Don't be afraid to be sane. If being sane or too normal is dull, boring or unsexy to others, too bad. Stand up for what you believe in.
  • Make a difference by being an example of someone who is "saving sanity," and do what you can to stop the craziness.
  • We define what is sane and what is crazy based on our standards, and if we don't set them on what we believe is sound and healthy, then we get things like cloned beef and genetically modified food. We have to ask ourselves "Who in their right mind would allow for those decisions?" Please don't let sanity become "endangered." Speak up and say "stop the craziness!"

    For more by Ora Nadrich, click here.

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